♥~Karma & Nagisa~♥
Violla :3
Illegal Pig Flying
Practice Emotions
Watership Down animation
Neib átse
#2 : ice
28.09.2019 09:21
Link#2 : ice
information : ice used to be a very playful dragon, and also very wholesome, cute, etc. but when the war of light, darkness, fate and care broke out, she was infected by diseases very quick. she is still wholesome, but her design has changed. her left eye now glows red, as a symbol of pain and danger. her right front paw is also red, which is for now a sign that ice can kill you. her left front paw glows green, meaning that ice is also a healer. her right back paw is glowing blue, which means she is an annihilator as well. she can summon every weapon that is strong enough to annihilate you. and her left back paw means peace, love and care, also meaning that ice will treat you as her as a great friend to her, she will be an awesome friend and will always protect you.
#1 : marsh #3 : streak
<----- ----->
28.09.2019 09:22
Linkthe last part
you know
with the arrows
looks kinda weird ngl