zexy strangecat



"U wanna munch on this bone?"


HAPPY B-DAY! @XxThe-CoconutxX

fanart for strawberry
just leaving this here


08.03.2022 14:27
Linkifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:43
I feel like ur only popular bc of that situation
Inugami-Korone[OP]08.03.2022 13:44
ifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:44
Intotheweb08.03.2022 13:44
Leave my wife alone
ifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:45
I'm not doing anything what
ifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:45
ur art is good but ur mainly known for ykyk
Inugami-Korone[OP]08.03.2022 13:45
Im not sure i understand
ifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:46
in 2021 that one person
Inugami-Korone[OP]08.03.2022 13:46
ifollowcuties08.03.2022 13:47
no like.pills
Intotheweb08.03.2022 13:48
Thier talking about on your dio-sama acc and that they think your popular for trying to overdose and your popularity is only so ppl are trying to watch over you to make sure you are not trying that again
Inugami-Korone[OP]08.03.2022 13:48
I forced that outta my mind, but yeah im sure it got people to notice me.

08.03.2022 14:27
didn't intentionally leave that part out lmao I was showing their stupidity
Bo-Beckhere08.03.2022 14:17
alr well dont say they started it when you did.
Bo-Beckhere08.03.2022 14:17
they we're standing up for their gf cause you brought that up outta nowhere
ifollowcuties[OP]08.03.2022 14:18
I brought jt up cuz they reminded me of it lool
Standing up from WHAT💀
ifollowcuties[OP]08.03.2022 14:19
yeah **** you
Block me=I block you
marsmillowbaby08.03.2022 14:21
lmao i have another acc dumbass. Gonna call you out on both
marsmillowbaby08.03.2022 14:21
Dont make someone look like a bad guy when you started that shiz
ifollowcuties[OP]08.03.2022 14:21
k call me out for what?whatever don't care loll

08.03.2022 14:28
Linkaight gonna hop on my other acc