
Flipanim:the untold story


Philip's poem


The Statue And The Stone

Eevee, V, F and J


06.12.2021 16:10
LinkSo hi. Been a while, hasn't it?
We've (I'll explain the use of we've and other multiple pronouns in a bit) been busy with schoolwork (and figuring out our identity) and haven't had any time to be here on FA.
Over our unannounced hiatus, we've figured out a few things about ourselves that we think are really important for you all to know about.
First and foremost, to get this out of the way as quickly as possible, we have figured out that we are a system.
We want to make it clear, we are NOT diagnosed with DID, OSDD, or anything of the like (However, we are planning to get tested for it.), but please understand that we have done a *ton* of research on systems, how they form, how they function and we found a lot of stuff that matches up with how we've been feeling. We'll be making a separate post introducing our headmates later. (1/?)

06.12.2021 16:13
LinkSecondly, our host (the person who owns this account) figured out that, in addition to being nonbinary, that he is a demiboy, and prefers he/him pronouns.
We don't really know what else to say, so expect that post about our headmates later today.
We hope this info won't change your views on us. Thank you - The Splatter System (2/2)