Let me type
04.10.2020 16:53
04.10.2020 17:02
LinkI've been disliking this site the more i spend on it. 2017 was like, "pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows" and "haha funny MEMES". And everyone's toxic as hell, everyone's a troll or a hacker, or both, and everyone who's actually good is leaving. I quit sometimes and came back. Kids view this website and Flipanim is dead to hell. I had a dream to be featured but I gave up long ago. Its like you inhale and theres drama now, like what the hell. Theres trolls on here just doing random things, Im tired of everyone leaving because of the toxicity of this dumb site. Flipanim doesn't care. Soon, its gonna shut down because of how dumb the owner is. Why can't it be easier, it stresses me out and its for the better. For some stupid reason, ever since i got hacked and moved to VoidChipz, people insisted on causing drama just to drag me into it. The good vibes just go away, all my favourites are leaving, but at what cost?
04.10.2020 17:08
LinkBtw if I do end up dying, heres some places you can find me
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/VoidDragonTheIdiot/ (might be moving cuz i hate my username)
Pixilart: https://www.pixilart.com/Void-Animationz (there's no chat so uh, good luck with that)
Pokefarm: https://pokefarm.com/user/VoidChipz (pokemans, friend me if u have it but im barely on so)
Thats about it, but the next paragraph of text is people you should follow, might not be much but you can't stop me.
04.10.2020 17:32
LinkPeople you should follow because they are underrated uwu.
@merp123 (45678948474656565665)
@Poopy Pants/Bobit1streety
@anyone else i missed
04.10.2020 17:37
LinkOh and if you wanna make some random tribute with my ocs in, just use this
29.03.2023 19:27
Link"uwu" shut up man genuinely