CuteCoofee <3
offsite map part :)
idk art
totally legit animation ( :<
"Well, well!"
Grammar Police
I’ve been enlightened by jes
10.09.2022 16:57
Linkus christ
10.09.2022 16:58
LinkI’ve been shown a better way of living, I’ve been blessed with a lot of things to enjoy, and I’m genuinely glad to now be a Christian, I’ve been awoken from the spiritual slumber I used to be in, and I’ve been saved
10.09.2022 16:59
LinkI’m thankful to The Lord Almighty, dear Christ, for all of it, this love I’ve been blessed with by him, and the better way of living he’s shown me
10.09.2022 17:00
LinkJesus has answered my prayers, and has saved me once more, as he already has many other times, The Lord Almighty has forgiven my sins and saved me, I am truly thankful to him, for all that he has given me
10.09.2022 17:00
LinkI really just can’t be upset right now, I’m really happy, I’m really blessed, and I thank The Lord for all of this
10.09.2022 17:02
LinkThere is nothing I would have wanted to go differently in my life, because it all led to here, and I’m glad to be here now, so I thank The Lord, for all of it, I love Christ, I believe in him, and I’m a sinner, but Jesus has forgiven my sins, allowing me to live a better life
10.09.2022 17:05
LinkI’m so grateful, and so thankful to The Lord, for all he’s done for me, and I’m just so glad to have this better life, thinking back to before I was saved, things were much worse, but things only started getting better once I accepted My Father, In Heaven Above, that’s when things started being happy, that’s when I started being happy, I’m so glad, and so very, very dearly thankful for all of it, praise and glory be to The Lord, for all of it, I accept his as my Perfect Savior, my Lord and Savior, and as my true creator, Amen, everyone, Amen