02.03.2019 17:21
LinkFor the people who are really depressed,don't be,you know, if i was depressed i still wouldn't want any of you to suffer the same fate i would have.So please listen to what i've got to say,ok? Thanks, don't let others control you,fight back for the right of yourself i know you could get suspended or given detention or just simply gotten told off for it,don't worry.At least you held off the people who are being weird,bullying,or even doing sexual abuse (don't get too immature about that) so please...i don't want people to end u suiciding from the mono challenge either...
02.03.2019 17:21
02.03.2019 17:23
LinkAnd don't be scared to tell anyone your problems;tell your friends,parents or teachers,or if its that concerning,the police...
02.03.2019 17:33
LinkYES!!! i tell that to people all the time
*cri* but I've been through all of that already, and never told anyone this cuz i KNOW no one would help.