let me type


09.01.2021 04:14
LinkOkay, one more after this then maybe do some actual art and not just characters.
Female omg
one of Maserlas' beasts
Yes she has three pupils and irises per eye and yes she has 6 ears, fight me.
she fancied up her marking and yes she actually put gold into her skin for the epic look
she can see through objects if her three pupils and irises come together to form one, but it gives her a massive headache after and she can shapeshift.
She is a decently calm person. She doesn't get along well with Tehlerau though since Tehlerau has problems with Anasia often trying to take over responsibility for the group due to her mother like nature. She does get along well with Hamilist and will often check on Saimon to make sure he's okay. She likes sculpting and reading, but she doesn't get much time to do either.

09.01.2021 04:15
LinkAlso i tried to do shadows with purple instead of black this time and I would like to know if you guys like it better with black or purple shadows
And feel free to talk or rp with her.