metal powers

Citrus || First of Many

danganronpa V3

silkie! cartoon # 2


Leviathan doodle

🍜-(-‿- )


06.07.2020 20:17

06.07.2020 20:21
LinkThis is it kids. Final straw, I can't take you people anymore.
I'm permanently moving to a different account, where the only posts will be private. Good luck finding me, because you won't.
I don't blame this on any of you, yet I blame it on all of you at the same time. Take it with a grain of salt, and feel free to attack me for it down below. But hear me out first.
The entire thing with Kody was a touchy subject for me, it felt he was invalidating the seriousness of the topic, when all I was trying to do was educate. The most I said to 'cuss him out' was a simple **** you. And I won't apologize for it. Because I'm not sorry. Kody was the one who took it to a personal level to (I feel;) purposely get to me and make me feel like shit. I know what I did, and now I have to work even harder to forgive myself again. And maybe some of you haven't forgave me.
I don't feel welcome here, and a number of things have lead up to that, and unfortunately I can't look at some of you the same way anymore.

06.07.2020 20:23
LinkIt wasn't even a good run. Things started off rocky, things stayed rocky, then things spiraled. That's all I can say about it without getting angry or depressed and attacking someone or someone else.
I don't really know what to say to be honest, normally when people leave, they have this long thought out letter that addresses people that helped them, they say the things they've accomplished, and then they sign out, simple as that.
Maybe I'll try complimenting some of you for a change.
Bear with me, I'm not very good at this.

06.07.2020 20:29
LinkHoney. Gods, do I love you. And despite all the things I've said to hurt you, the even fewer (I can literally count them all on one hand) times you've hurt me, we still stayed somewhat functional. This isn't a goodbye for you my love, I'll give you the user I'm moving to and it's password so we can communicate, we also have Roblox and Discord.
Because it either doesn't matter to me enough or none of you made much of an impact, or the simple fact my memory has gone to shit (or all 3, take it as you will) to generalize and make things easier for me, to everyone that helped me;
Thank you for helping me. At any given time some of you popped up to talk me through something (that let's be honest, I might've made it through regardless) that was difficult for me. Thanks.
Sparr. Oh gods, clear headed, kind, compassionate Sparr. I don't think I will ever forget your messages. I don't think I will ever forget the shame I felt in contacting you in the aftermath. What little of a soul I have left aches for that m

06.07.2020 20:35
Link-oment. If ever a time I was genuinely sorry, it was then.
Storm & Bllue.
First to storm, thanks for putting up with me. Thanks for adopting me in a sense, shoving me back into reality when needed, thanks for being there.
Now to Bllue, Sorry for scaring you all this time. I don't know how to fix it but, Sorry. I'm sorry for not getting the message and still commenting on your posts. I'll leave you alone from now on.
Ah, Night. You're a lovely person, I hope life treats you well from now on. If you have an email, I'll email you the account I'm moving to and it's password. If not, I also have discord.
I don't have anything else to say, so. Bye.