Skywalkers //spicie reef//
18.04.2021 03:14
18.04.2021 03:17
18.04.2021 03:24
LinkOk, so Skywalkers are ny imaginary spicies i made up a fev days ago.Yes they are mithical beings.Skywalkers are both sky and earth animalls which meand they can control both ellements. They also can heal others by putting their nose on the injured person, they are able to do that because like i sed they are boths sky and earth creatures. They also can be near invisible when they get disturbed and when they dont wanna be seen by others. Skywalkers are at least half a metter tall. Young Skywalkers cant realy fly and are thirty centineters tall. Also as you can see both males and fenales have horns, the only deferance are the colours. Both males and fenales can fly up to 100 miles per hour. Males also have a realy strong bite that can easaly crush bones. Skywalkerswhen they are born bont have horns, instead they only jave twolittle bumps on theor head. When skywalkers get significantly older their coat changes to a pale green or pale pink depending on their gender. And yes Skywalkers are an open spicies!
18.04.2021 03:33
LinkAlso Skywalkers arent horses they are a tipe of a cat!
18.04.2021 12:15
LinkI forgot to say that some Skywalker females have a blue tail.