It’s fine, I’d understand if it was done to me too, I’m really sorry about how I handled this situation over the years and I’m even more sorry that I upset you. I genuinely hope you can forgive me, at least a little bit.
24.06.2024 09:03
I was hesitant to apologize because I was always intimidated by such an influential person in this community. And every turn I saw a comment saying “Kill your self” or “I hope you die”. I was afraid. I wanted to try to forget this but it’s obvious that it didn’t work. If I still had the ability to get on that account, I would right those wrongs I made at the time. I am so sorry for this. And I’m not just sorry I got caught. Because I was caught from the beginning. I’m sorry I upset you so deeply. And because you were so pissed off at me, I wasn’t inclined to apologize. But I want to step up and apologize. I don’t know how many followers I’ll lose from this, but it doesn’t matter to me. What matters is to try to make it right. So if there is something I can do. I will do it to fix this, since I don’t like being in the midst of beef over the internet. I’m 16 now and I should know better than to cower behind a mask and deflect. (2/3 maybe?)
24.06.2024 08:54
(Thanks for the ts defs) But reading that it made you feel like shit makes me really upset. To be completely honest, you were kinda someone I looked up to (doesn’t excuse my actions, but hearing how it made you feel makes me want to come clean) and in a way I wanted to see if I could get more likes trolling and posting nsfw like your iamjoe account. It lead me to believe that my assumptions were correct. Porn gets more likes more attention than genuine posts. (I was also trying to find the post about you venting about what happened, idk if you deleted it, but I was trying to find it) but after deleting a lot of posts on this account, that account, and years of thinking, I found that what I did was probably wrong. And coming back to this goofy ass site and this beef, I can strongly confirm that what I did was wrong. I don’t have fully developed morals, but with the morals I have I will take accountability. What I did was wrong, and I’m so sorry that it made you feel awful. 1/2
24.06.2024 06:15
Dude holy shit it’s been so long since I’ve seen your page oh my lord…your art has improved a ton since I saw your acc 4 years ago