love u


A bear who became black...




Father-Son Kamehameha
"Can I get you a drink?"


11.11.2023 03:34
Link"No, thanks. I'll be on duty all night."
"Is that so?" Louis wanted to keep him talking for his own amusement. he leaned in close, ears erect and whiskers pressed forward eagerly,

11.11.2023 03:34
LinkI made this in Summer 2022, just never posted it.

So Initially what I wanted to do with this series is write it in fanfiction and then include one (1) or more drawings alongside with the fanfiction and post both on flipanim and AO3. I'm not sure what specific event made me initially decide to cancel further progression of this series, maybe it had something to do with the fanfiction I was already writing and suddenly being able to draw the character on the right (Snatcher) as they appear in canon.

Of course, if any of you still happen to be interested in my Boxtroll-related escapades, I have created a new AU (no furries included) that I hope to get to posting about on here soon.
[Cause the way things are currently going, there's absolutely no way I'm going to lose interest in this movie anytime soon]
I would link my other social medias here but I'm paranoid my ex still stalks this page.
You can also keep your eyes peeled for two MASSIVE projects regarding behind-the-scenes media about Boxtrolls, and other LAIKA films. Huge compilations. Hoping to release to the public eventually.