uno punch man and cool cyborg

Destroying ball part2


the psmd poliwrath boss sucked

i`ll conquer it

Le animator characters

There is hope.. right..?
(CS) “Hey there!”


28.01.2022 22:25
Linkℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘!
Comment removed

28.01.2022 22:25
LinkA gray feline with unusual colored markings was exploring more of camp, finding it to be rather interesting. Astrid had recently joined as a loner, merely curious about how things worked here. It got boring, that old loner life of hers. That led to another reason of her joining the Clan. Making friends! The warrior did try to make a friendly approach to lessen the uneasiness felt from others, though the tension still lingered- worsened perhaps? Some said she smiled to much, or others just give her a look of suspicion. Was is something the feline did wrong? Not liking the feeling of eyes focused on her as she strolled across the clearing, Astrid gave her pelt a shake as if trying to shake some off. Surely, there's someone in this big Clan the warrior can befriend? And perhaps they can explain why they're so on edge around her! And then she can fix it- whatever it is.

28.01.2022 22:26
LinkHer purple eyes eventually settled on a yellowish feline up ahead, and she didn't seem to be with anyone at the moment. She seemed lonely, with no one bothering to talk to her... Astrid wondered why that's the case. Surely, the other had at least a friend or two? But no one approached the unknown feline, who simply gazed up ahead at what seemed to be the nursery. Perhaps Astrid can befriend her..! Cheer her up a little! At the thought, her pointy ears perked up, and she strolled over to the yellowish tabby, who tore her gaze away from the nursery to look up at Astrid. Seems like the newly-made warrior had caught her attention!! "Hey there!" She greeted the other she-cat, using a warm tone as she wanted to make herself seem approachable and friendly. "I'm Astrid, and I just joined your wonderful Clan..! And, well... I was hoping if we could become friends!" Surely, that's good for an introduction..?

28.01.2022 22:26
LinkBut then, Astrid saw how the other's eyes slightly widened a bit, as if something had surprised the other warrior. There was also a quiver of the tabby's stubby tail, and the gray feline couldn't help but feel confused. What was it that shocked her. "Uh, hello..?" She mewed with a slight tilt of her head, and that brought the other out of her trance, jolting up a bit.
"Oh, sorry!" The other feline mewed with an awkward chuckle, purple eyes also meeting another set of purple orbs. "I just got put off by something- but it's nothing big- sorry again!" With perked up round ears, the other mewed, "It's nice to meet you..! I'm Taro! And we could be friends if you'd like." However, Astrid noticed a slight tone change at Taro's last words, and she frowned slightly.

28.01.2022 22:26
Link"I mean, if you don't want to be my friend," she mewed, trying not to let her disappointment show, "We don't have to. Acquaintances could do..!"
"Oh, no no!" Taro quickly mewed with a shake of her head. "I'd love to be friends with you! I'm sorry if I gave the wrong message- I've just been a bit on edge... You made me think of Shine for a moment."
"Shine?" The purple-eyed feline repeated. Occasionally did she hear the name, but Astrid had no clue who this 'Shine' is.
"Shine is uhhhh..." Taro's ears slightly drooped, and for some moments did she glance down at her own paws before looking up at Astrid again. "She wasn't a good cat- used to be a part of this Clan. But she did a lot of horrible things. Gray cat, green-blue eyes, big scar on one." The tabby was then about to say something else, jaws still parted. However, they shut for a moment, before reopening again to say another thing. "Best to stay away from her, if you find one that matches the description."

28.01.2022 22:26
Link"Shine seems like a nasty one for sure..." Astrid murmured. What was it that made the other remind her of such a fox-heart?
"But don't worry, you seem like a good cat!" Taro then added. "But I guess that's why some are tense around you. However, if you prove your loyalty and all, I'm sure you'll gain their trust..!" Getting to her paws, the stubby-tailed feline then said, "Since we're friends, and you just joined, how about I show you the territory? Don't want you getting lost, after all!"
Astrid giggled and mewed, "Oh, thank you! Lead the way, O Great Taro!" With that, the two headed off to the Clan's territory, making this a proper start for Astrid as a newly-made warrior.

28.01.2022 22:27
Link^^Above is the scene I was drawing about^^