Zara dodges a fire blast

The Kerminator rules le world

when you step on lego


Citrus || Kiss (Chp. 28)


(camp camp AU)


26.05.2020 04:27
Linkyou had been at a camp called Camp Cambell for a week or so, everything was either strange or even stranger. you were all going on a hiking trip before you decided to go a bit off of the trail after noticing something. once you got close enough you could see it was a grave with your camp conciolers name on it, David. d*ath date was for 4 years ago with the cause of d*ath being that he fell off a ledge while hiking. you were standing in front of the grave as everyone was hiking up a small mountain. what would you do? (swears will have to have * in them or else i cant reply. also any words d*ath related mus have * in it or i cant reply)
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