dog planning an evil plan

Sorrelfur's Question



- Let Me Have Release -

just a drawing

Ridonculous Race Re-Animated
Q&A b4 bed (im home now)


12.02.2018 01:23
LinkWhat's your fav anime

12.02.2018 01:26
LinkYOURE GONNA MAKE ME PICK ONE???????????? but im indecisive
uhm uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh okay i can do this >~<
My fav might have to be Kyoukai no Kanata

12.02.2018 01:29
LinkOh mine S black butler

12.02.2018 02:01
LinkMy sister loves that one
i havent seen it

12.02.2018 02:27
LinkYou need to freaking see it

12.02.2018 02:31
LinkI might one day hopefully
i have a bad habit of procrastinating watching things

09.09.2018 05:25
LinkBean what are chu buisy with you haven’t been responding to anyone
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Comment removed

Mama Marble!
Do you like spring, autumn, winter, or summer?
What's your favorite food?
Do you like pugs?
And do you have any pets?

When you landed on Earth with your Alien Art clan from space, did you come safely, and has anyone made conspiracies about your clan's landing? 0-0

I dont have many memories from when i was young, my grandma says i was a baby and screamed most of the trip here lmao but i think we arrived with no trouble
I act crazy enough irl that it people think im lying about being an alien and my family dispursed so for now our secrets remain hidden from conspiracy and the government
Youre definitley at least half alien, maybe we're cousins!
You're art is truly adorable tho i love your style so keep up the good work and achieve your true alien potential!

omg ok i was sick so i didn't go on my computer ok.... So what is your ethnicity? I am Hispanic.(Dominican )

When you were in high school, did you ever get bullied? And if you did, how did you confront the situation?

I got picked by boys for being "fat and ugly" but they were easy to brush of as just annoying and id ignore them and talk to my friends or say something sassy then theyd leave me alone
It was alot worse in middle and elementry school i got bullied alot back then and i have anxiety so i just put up with it for a long time even though it hurt. I told my mom once in elementary but she to deal with it on my own so i just bottled it up til i cried and refused to go to school one day cuz i was scared, thats when she told my teacher and my bullies were punished, Second time i told was when i was in middle school & people i thought were my friend started just constantly insulting me and treating me like dirt so my grandma and i talked to the principle and they were warned to stop and they apologized and stopped.
I definitely did not confront the situations well at all and i recommend telling adults asap if youre being bullied and be persistent if they dont listen, it hurts alot more to deal with it on your own

thanks^^ i'm starting up a youtube channel but i don't have any posts yet. I'll let you know when i do so you could check it out. I would love for you to do that^^ My channel name is Lunallis and i also have a deviantart by that same name. I love your art and i would love some constructive criticism. Love ya