Are Vent accounts dumb
19.04.2020 04:31
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i dont know, i have my personal opinions on them. i just dont think posting like 10 vents in a row is really necessary i would just post one little rant/vent post and get it all out ya know?
The primary reason I even have a vent account is because I'm really uncomfortable venting explicitly on my main. I don't think it's a bad thing.
rr,, I think a lot of people who vent on here or make vent accounts probably feel or actually have nowhere else to go. Or they just need an outlet, which is fine.
Again, personally I'll use that account just to rant into the void when I'm not comfortable/just don't feel like talking to a friend or something about it.
You gotta consider what the person behind the screen's thinking and feeling, man.
anyway imma go now