Scary Stories
14.03.2021 17:44
LinkI wanna hear :>
14.03.2021 17:48
LinkIf you dare....
Not long ago, a young Eevee was camping with her friends. Hey asked if she could go grab some firewood for the fire, but Eevee had a dark secret—she was afraid of the dark. So, she walked into the forest, farther and farther into the dark, scary woods. Just then, two glowing eyes greeted her with a smile, jumped out of the bush it was hiding in, and—bit her.
Her friends went into the woods to go find her. When they got the the spot she stopped at, a bloody Eevee body and a creepy Eevee killer was there. Then BAM, every eeveelution, dead on the ground, all because of a killer Eevee in the woods.
14.03.2021 17:49
Linkoh no poor eevee