part 1: the chase

short fight unknown vs missy


Citrus || Kiss (Chp. 28)

New Faces: Part 1

TiP - Random Flip.

The Return Chapter 16


20.04.2020 16:57
LinkTom, Edd, and Tord stared at the two, completely shocked. Matt blushed brightly, looking at Jon. He looked away, smiling.
"J-Jon?" Matt stammered, looking at him.
"Yes?" Jon replied softly, looking into his eyes.
"I..." Matt bit his lip, sighing slightly. Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they waited on Matt's response.
"I love you." Matt finally said, smiling. Jon let out a little gasp, blushing brightly. Everyone was silent.
"Well? Say it back!" Tord barked.
"Tord!" Edd snapped.
"What?" Tord said innocently.
"I love you, too." Jon said quietly. The two of them smiled.
"Aw - get a room you two." Tom teased.
"Why don't you and Tord get a room, eh?" Matt barked.
"I will stab you." Tord threatens, stepping forwards.
"Not the face!" Matt yells, hugging Jon tightly. Jon hugs back, glaring at Tord.
"Don't hurt him or I'll... I'll..."
"You'll what?" Tord smirks.
"I'll kick your-!"
"Jon!" Matt gasped.
"I was going to say 'face'." Jon said. Matt looked at him suspiciously but said nothing.

20.04.2020 16:58
LinkTord grabbed Tom's hand.
"C'mon, let's leave these two to their thing." Tord said. As Tom walked, everything became blurry and he closed his eyes.
Tom woke up in his bed, wearing his usual blue hoodie. The sun bled through his window and lightened his dark room slightly. He got up, wondering where Tord was. He walked down the hall and down the stairs, where Edd and Matt were sitting on the couch.
"Where's Tord?" Tom asked.
"Todd?" Matt chirped. Edd looked up, his eyes seeming hurt.
"Tom... you know that he's not here. I don't want to talk about him anymore. He's not... not our friend..." Edd said.
He looked around, and realization hit him like a train.
It was all a dream.

20.04.2020 16:59
Link(A/N) And that's the end. Thank you guys for all the love and support you have given my crappy writing, I much appreciate it.

i love this so much but i just-
EnDiNgS sUCk, i NeEd To KnOW tHe ReSt, iT cAn'T eNd