!💖 💖 CONTEST 💖 💖


02.07.2020 18:50
LinkSo basically, This contest is just drawing Assasian Betty that I drew up there <3 Here are rules uwu: #1, Be nice, even if you don't get 3rd 2nd or 1st just be a good person and try not to murder me.
#2, Have fun, bruh oi don't need to be serious, this is just for fun <3.
#3 make sure to be nice to others to lol * I see wut u doin there*. #4 Make sure when u post your entry, show me the drawing or atleast tell me.
5#, Follow the rules lmao.
6#, just because why not.

02.07.2020 18:52
Linkwait I forgot some stufff

02.07.2020 18:55
Linkokie, prizes are:
1st place: 2 super detailed colored drawings of your choice, 20 likes, 3 follows (If possible) .
2nd place: 1 detailed drawing of your choice, 10 likes, 2 follows.
3rd place: okay-ish detailed drawing of your choice, 5 likes, 1 follow.

02.07.2020 19:00
LinkOH, and the Due Date is Jul 25. gl Everybody! <333

02.07.2020 19:42
LinkbAsIcaLly,,, when I'm done with this horrible drawing of assasian betty I will tell who are eh winners

03.07.2020 11:44
LinkBtw first place will also get a detailed commission from me :3
Detty you know I can't draw humans *sign*

03.07.2020 17:08
Linkaaa doesn't matter >;3
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hmmm, It depends on what you mean by "steal". BettyStAr is the one who inspired me from when I first joined flipanim. and she is the first one who actually made a difference on my life. I used to have a horrible-realistic style and it got me nowhere, but when I realized that this "anime style" was real and people would pay money to draw. so I had to make a move. I started to do free reqeusts so I kinda get used to the feeling. I'm still looking into payed comissions and stuff *And all my drawings that are related to BettyStAr I would make sure to get her permission for all of them* also, Short answer: This account was inspired by Betty. Thank you for coming to my ted talk lmfao