bOnk system intros


26.06.2021 04:05
Linki so here's some blerbs about us and some art.
(Note that Blobert was the one who mostly drew/wrote all of this with bits of input from the others because fronting on command is not a thing sis)
Bob: abcdceese, main account owner and artist. Bonk.

26.06.2021 04:05
LinkDazz: She doesn't like being talked about and hates u all (jk she's just overprotective). Age regresses sometimes, not as often as before bc she don't trust anyone. Here's some of her ert (lmao also apparently she made a comment on that anim)

26.06.2021 04:05
LinkPiasma: only draws vent art on his personal account,, He's nice but like really insecure
Cyrus: Doesn't draw hardly ever, he's not too confident in his art skills anyway. He's a prick but we love him anyway so like <3
Connor: Rarely draws or fronts for that matter, he's pretty social when he is though. b0nk

26.06.2021 04:06
LinkNova: As you can see, he "can't draw". He made a stick figure once it was pretty funny. Cool dude.
Zack: Loves drawing and dinosaurs, but doesn't draw many dinosaurs :/?
He's made a few drawings

26.06.2021 04:06
LinkKinnie: Draws, mostly just makes furry adopts. They're on the verge of a breakdown 24/7 and a few magic words will like destroy them (think this is their most recent drawing on here)

26.06.2021 04:07
LinkIllumi: Prefers traditional art or just..not flipanim, doesn't draw much though. He likes horses. Don't make any source material references, he's kinda like i don't know how to describe it? delusional? paranoid? both? If I try to explain his thoughts it'll make him front which is not good he is extremely miserable and tries to stick pins in ourself which uh..bad (prob so bad bc he split due to my first s//cide attempt)
Dandy: Draws, doesn't associate with us. I forgot the account that they use, they have some art of themself on it.
Jamie: most recent, b0nk. Chill, a little chaotic, hates our glasses and our voice, lots of typos because he types too fast. Surprisingly decent artist (he onlt draws to flex on others though)

26.06.2021 04:09
Linkgonna uh try to let one of the others talk to my therapist next week because I always tell them to **** off during our meetings which actually probably makes it hard for her to understand anything