22.02.2023 18:38
Link(don't chain)
22.02.2023 18:43
LinkY/N is in a foggy forest full of dead trees, the grass reaches to Y/N's ankles.
The maximum distance Y/N can see in this forest is only 2 kilometers far.
In this forest, there isn't a single tint of color in anything. Eerie noises can be heard every 2-4 minutes, and Y/N can sometimes hear or see the branches of the trees move or crack.
22.02.2023 18:44
Linkextra stuff to read if you really want to understand this:
This is a horror species that is capable of shapeshifting.
Here are the forms it can shapeshift into (sorry it's horrible quality- this drawing is a bit old and taken with a PC camera): https://ibb.co/jRYtgQy
here's a better image ig: https://ibb.co/bsBRtzp
anyway you get the idea.
more extra info: This species hunts from the trees so that they can jump down and eat their prey alive
their diet is humans :)
If you feed them they might spare you
22.02.2023 18:45
Linkbtw I would prefer if this were a serious rp and not a funny one
She pulled her bow and arrows from her back and prepared to shoot anything in her close surroundings. Her ears flicked each time she heard the sounds of the branches cracked.