My suggestions for FlipAnim


13.07.2021 09:47
Linkwhat about a message icon
you can message people by writing their username in a bar and clicking their name , then you can secretly message them without other people knowing. now you dont have to worry about someone else joining a private anim you want to talk only to one person with

13.07.2021 09:48
Linkalso B I O S

13.07.2021 09:48
LinkOr maybe like tiktok, follow eachother and it counts as friend

13.07.2021 09:50
what if they added voice chat-

13.07.2021 09:50
LinkTrolls can abuse that more than latino moms

13.07.2021 09:50
LinkI agree with Erebus we need a DM system of some sort

13.07.2021 09:51

13.07.2021 09:52
Linklatino mums

13.07.2021 09:59
Linki really want to have this
when someone is commenting it will show a loading sign on where they are commenting and the user name of the user commenting. when the comment is there the comment will pop up and ye

13.07.2021 10:02
LinkYes heck yeh

13.07.2021 14:56
LinkDM system will requires lots of coding for this site, id say we rather use discord instead

This should exist. But 1 more suggestions why don't fa add a group chat or priv chat, so people don't need to use anims all the time to talk,
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if it were to have a notif there should be a turn of button for people aswell so no one gets spammed

seeing who follows and unfollows me would stress me out, I would like it if it showed who liked posts and follows

Yeah ive been thinking about the mention thing ever since I started flipanim. Like wouldn’t it just be easier if we could @ people?

And maybe asking you if ur sure u want to delete a whole frame like fhey do on the layers
I cant count the times ive deleted my work because my arm hits a tiny red button
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the whole @ thing just seems like a bad idea to me, you know people are gonna try and abuse the hell out of it any way they can, sure there's captcha but ehhh