Story below uwu


12.09.2019 16:37
LinkKallik tumbled through the thick snow, her paws sinking in to it as she ran. The elk in front of her gracefully sprinted over the ice, causing Kallik to fall behind. I will not be beaten again by prey! She hissed through gritted teeth as she pushed on, Leaping over logs and dodging pine trees.
Blood roared in her ears and freezing wind hit her face, the breath taken out of her. She started to fall behind again, panting heavily. The elk ran off behind mounts of snow and ice that blocked Kallik’s vision as she sat in the snow.
That was when she heard it. Panting canines pushing onwards, Howling and barking after the elk Kallik was after.
“You mutts!” Kallik hopped up in fury. “How dare you go after my prey after I fall behind!”
A pitch black wolf with yellow eyes stopped in front of Kallik, Signaling the rest of the pack to keep on going. “This is our hunt now, Kitty. You’ve lost it.” He snarled.

12.09.2019 16:38
LinkKallik stared at the alpha, shock in her gaze. “You idiot! Since when does the Eclipse pack go after my prey? Are you just too desperate to find prey on your own?” Kallik stared mockingly at the male wolf, Challenging him.
“You’ve made a mistake challenging me, kitty. I have claws and fangs willing to bite through that scrappy neck of yours.” He stared calmly back at Kallik, Not showing a sign of submission.
“Just you wait, puppy.” Kallik was up now, padding around the Alpha, Her eyes slits as she focused.
Without a warning, or any sign he was going to attack, The alpha had Kallik’s neck in his mouth, His canines shining as he started to bite down.
Kallik was ready, though. She leaped under the Alpha, Her spine stabbing his stomach as she threw him off her. Before the alpha was on his feet again, Kallik spun around, slicing her claws across his muzzle. Little dark red drops sunk into the snow as the wolf howled in panic.

12.09.2019 16:40
LinkThe alpha hopped onto Kallik, Throwing her off balance. Kallik fell into the snow on her side before throwing the alpha off again. “Are you stupid?” She laughed. “A wolf up against a snow leopard? How humorous.” Kallik’s claws pierced into the alphas flank. The wolf fell to the ground, His chest heaving.