Just read it :)


27.03.2021 02:09
LinkValentines's day began in acient Rome when women would line up to be whipped, beaten, and sodomized by naked men
Because they were told it would make them fertile
Oh, and then on two separate years of the same day good ol' February 14th two different men (Both with the name St. Valentine)
Were brutally and publicly executed by the Roman emperor for their beliefs
In order for the Roman Catholic Church to be made an example of
Isn't that FUN 🙃
And then, the smae blood-filled day was later romanticized by William Shakespear And then later it was adopted as a "day of love" in the western world So while you're out buying your loved one a fuzzy pink bear to exspress how much you love them one day a year Just know the holiday you're celebrating comes from a bloody, sadistic, and sado-masochistic starting point 🙃

Well uh
That is indeed bad
But that's not what people celebrate it for
We celebrate it for love and happiness
So Imma keep celebrating cuz I want my candy

thats messed up.....if they whipped women then kill them women should be treated like qweens if u treat them like an object then u deserve the death sentance. we should respect women and nothing less if she wit u then u lucky and u bes act like it