little bro for Kittythewitch
Walking Profile Pic
My biggest fear
Kishin Sagume
The Feels Fire has opened
A flight into the unknown
read the first coment
04.12.2017 20:50
LinkOk so I am going to take a shot, or long brake from flipanim. I am not really sure yet I might be gone for only a few days, or I might be gone for a longer time. I've been thinking. I don't really want to make any more animations, I am not really deticated to this. I want to wait a while and see if I can get a little more insperation before I start up again. I know I am going to come back on hear to look and watch diffrent animations. Like I know at least three of my friends will say somthing about this at school and try to get me to change my mind. I already have taken a little brake with all the things that have been hapening over the past few weeks. I have slowly stopped getting on this website. I will pull up the website a few times but then i get side traked doing somthing else . I just can't find the time for this, I am makeing a promis to myself that I will come back and make more animations before 2018 and after that I don't know what I will be doing...
04.12.2017 20:53
Sorry it was triggering me :T
You do what you want.
No pressure here.
04.12.2017 20:54
04.12.2017 20:55
LinkI can't spell, my friend does this to me all the time so I'm use to it
04.12.2017 21:13
LinkYou should see me try and spell on a phone XD
I can't even spell my own name :T
05.12.2017 19:53
LinkI text on my dads phone and I have miss spelled my name so many times that when i spell it right it changes it to lexue