The Feels Fire has opened


11.03.2017 04:14
Linkin case you havent noticed this is one giant fanart for all of teh fellow animators :D (srsly tho u better like this it took forever to draw and make sure they were accurate lol)

22.06.2017 13:01
LinkRp I made you fanart, wanna see?

30.09.2017 20:28

30.09.2017 20:28
Linkyou forgot licksey

08.12.2017 19:04
LinkRandomPerson, add me next time please

08.12.2017 19:05
LinkThanks :)

01.06.2018 13:03
Linkonce there was a person in the dead of night they died,from daniellas alter ego

01.06.2018 13:04
Linkhonestly James thats what you write when i hand you my computer?

03.06.2018 21:37

06.06.2018 00:34
Linkhonestly, that was my friend who typed that.

11.10.2018 04:10

17.12.2018 06:11
Linki made everyone in my mini movie:i'm nothing 2 and 3

19.12.2018 23:34
Linkwere am i??

28.04.2019 12:36
Linkcan only the ppl there do it, or can anyone do it?

07.09.2019 02:37
LinkMake this the most liked drawing on flipanim

25.10.2019 23:11
LinkReminds me of a coloring page I colored in my old school

19.11.2019 23:20

17.04.2020 14:34
LinkI had a weird prophecy like thing in my sleep and its freaking me out and i don't usually dream that stuff up..

17.04.2020 14:34
Linkso, yeh

26.04.2020 21:26
Linkwow, I have been animating for about, uh, two hours? Anyways, my animation sucks, but the drawing are okay-ish.

16.03.2021 16:14
LinkPls check it out and leave a like. I need likes🥺🥺🥺🥺

Um, I'm gonna see if I can name us all - there's you, me, beck-o, sephpep, juniperleaf, unigirl, Nichole, oh... Nope. Can't recognize us all :(

are you all friends? what is the meaning of the animator crew? what's the meaning of life? do you know eachother irl? are the people in there important? what sports do you play? Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? why do I suck at animating? do you like undertale? dogs or cats (i'd choose dogs)? why am I asking so many questions? do you like books? I like books. why are you called thepapersandwich? I like chickens. pokemon? Do you like video games? why am I here? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!

This is beautiful! Thank you for thinking about me while drawing this, my ocs are awful and this is beautiful! ❤

Okay then my story was about 9 and this is what happened i was going to play football with my friends and I had to go across the street and there was a big black chevy that was speeding and I was a foot close to reaching the field and then BOOM i get smacked by the car but im okay as you can see and this is why i dont like cars or roads the end

Alright, stories about life. Once when I was 3 years old we were visiting my aunt in Texas. I was throwing around a ball in her backyard, the ball went to the other side of the yard so I went to pick it up... But I fell in a red ant hill on the way! A bunch of poisonous ants were crawling all over me and biting me. A couple minutes later my family heard me screaming, and rushed me to the hospital. Now I'm traumatized for life and deathly afraid of ants. The End

Stories? Oh oh oh! I gots one! Dis is actualy happened to me.
When I was eleven or twelve years old, I was sleeping on the top bunk as usual alone. In the middle of the night, i'm guessing around 11:00 or 12:00, I woke up for whatever reason still half asleep. I saw at the foot of the bed a little girl slightly younger than me at the time with two braids, dark hair, and a dark black dress. I don't remember what her face looked like, but we stared at each other for what felt like a minute when I saw my dad in the hallway and closed my eyes to pretend I was asleep. When I opened my eyes the girl was gone and I fell back asleep barely awake already. In the morning I overheard my dad in the living room talking to my mom about hearing a little girl last night. He said he looked around the house and burned some sage to ward them off, and then went to bed. When he did my dad heard her say 'Goodbye'. After waking up he had three hook marks on his neck in the form of scratches which were not there before.

umm.... OH I GOT ONE
My family and I always go to hampton beach in the summertime, and one year -I think I was about 1 and a half- I had a tiny fever when we left for the two hour ride, and my mother had brought some child's Advil. We stopped the car about half way through the ride at a small parking lot, and my father got out. -I don't really remember what for- I started BAWLING my eyes out, and my mother says, "whats wrong?"
I continue to cry and raise my hands, which were covered in liquid....*sigh ... Poop. my mother took my temperature, and it turned out that my fever had gone from an incredibly small one, to a dangerously large one. My temperature was about 105, which is very dangerous, because brain damage from fevers is caused very commonly when your temperature is over 107. My Dad booked it back into the car and we drove to the cities nearest hospital. the Doctor's told my mother that if she hadn't given me the Advil, I would've suffered brain damage, or even DEATH. So.. Um.. Thanks mom :)

For most of my 12 years on this planet, I have ever seen or heard my family talk about my own father

I have a story too! When I was 10, I think, I really wanted a guinea pig for Christmas, so I asked my mom for one about 15 days before Christmas. Since she never once had gotten me what I asked for for Christmas in the same year I asked for it (HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND...), I never expected to get it. Then, my sister, (has like 13 medical problems, can't walk, constantly in a wheelchair) was having a pretty bad sickness and there was a possibility that she wouldn't be there on Christmas, so we decided to have a little treasure hunt kind of thing where we looked for clues to find the biggest gift we had each been given. First, my two sisters did it, and then me. I followed a bunch of clues, and it led to the room next to the attic steps, where I found something under a towel or something (fuzzy memories, okay? get it? cuz towels and blankets are fuzzy?) like that. So, I went over, and I found a cage! Yes, just a cage. Then I looked inside and saw a little guinea pig in there, underneath a tiny igloo.

P.S. I was excited to see her then, but what I didn't realise was that she would be really stupid and lazy, and now she's kinda fat. So basically, I had gotten what I wanted that Christmas: A tiny, fat baby that never grows up or gets any less dumb. I get that this is offencive to guinea pig people who are all like, "Oh, don't you DARE call my Cookies dumb!" And I get it, and I was like that too, before I realised that they're all pretty much idiots. Still, though, they can't help it and mine is pretty cute! ;3

Well, here's a story.'
When I was around 4 or 5 me and my family were in Harvey Bay, on our way back my sisters were packing up the stuff and putting it in the boot, but my hands were in the boot when they closed it soooooo... My sister Annedel was laughing and I was crying (As any 4-5 yr old would do if their fingers got squashed in the boot) while my other sister and mother was trying to cheer me up and shut me up.

This is a lot to ask but mabey can you make me...? you proably won't. *sigh*
Thinks: mabey i can juin the animater crew someday...
Inner Demon: *LAUGHS* You don't belong here!!! go die in a hole or something.
Me: What?
Inner Demon: You herd me. Die. In. A. Hole.
Me: *punces*
Inner Demon: *Bleeding* WTF!!!
Me: I'M IN CONTURL NOW YOU ?@%&*!!! *looks around*
Me: What did you do to my life...?
Inner Demon: See? YOUR NOTHING!!!!
*end flash back*
Me: And that is why i am depressed!!! :D
Sorry about that... i got REALLY caired away... I suck...
*End Story*

OOO i have one when i was born i had my imbelical cord wrapped around my neck 2 times with 2 knots the docters mannaged to keep me alive but my heart stopped beating for 10 secs and i stopped breathing too, in the mean time. My grandma was there and my family members were to i stiil cant manage to keep the strory they told me from when i was young out of my head. i am alive, but my neck hurts sometimes bc it is mest up


when I was five my (at the time) 20 year old brother was trying to get me to footbal so he tried to teach me it, ended up spin throwing a footbal at mah face.
Comment removed

Once I threw rock at the woods and my friend got it and threw it at the ground but missed and hit my head so now I have a scar on my head but in lucky I'm alive but I guess it was because toughness is in the family (I know Latin and "toughness" admit it Im lame)

There was this one time where I wanted to go on my hoverboard but it was dark. I asked and my Mom let me go out. I was going super fast because I loved the feeling of the breeze on my face as I kinda feel on top of the world. This was my final run around the block before I would go back inside. About halfway I turned at max speed and I lost control (I tried to correct it but ended up making it worse, should have just jumped off). I hit my head on the street. I was really afraid because my fingers and toes went numb for a split second and it felt like everything was spinning for a bit. So I walked back home holding my hoverboard in my arms because I didn't trust getting back on. I had a large bump on my head for a good long while and I still swear I can feel some kind of bump and sensitivity still but I think it's just me.
To this day I'm afraid of going too fast on there. This is the worst pain I've felt, but that's not saying much for a kid who's only really suffered scrapes and bruises.