- create flipbook animations online!
RANT (still on break)
23.04.2020 06:06
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23.04.2020 06:14
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k so i meet this person on the --userphone discord thing and she told me to add her so i did and she seemed pretty chill but then she just starts being cute say all this sweet stuff and i was uncomfortable bc we just meet like 10 mins ago and shes trying to win my heart when i was already token (that relationship is long gone) but anyways she says "*cuddles*" and at the start i was like aw how cute but then when she said that that sent an alarm to my head and i tried to stop it their by saying "o no thx i got a gf" and she said "oh ok sorry" but then 10 mins later she starts doing it again being all sweet and stuff and i didnt know wat to do and im just a big push over like a huge 1 and she says "*hugs*" and in my head im like wtf i just meet this person and for all ik they can be a 45 year old man trying to get a 13 yr olds booty so i just said "*pats on head*" and she just keeps being sweet and stuff u know and then she says "*kisses*" and i just say "k" and she says "oh" AND DONT JUDGE ME I DIDNT KNOW
23.04.2020 06:23
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WAT TO DO and then she says "how old r u?" and i tell her im 13 bc im 13 and she says she 16 YES 16 A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL IS FLIRTING AND HUGGING AND KISSING THIS 13 YEAR OLD BOY WHO IS TAKEN and later i find out shes been doing this with alot of people even a 12 YEAR OLD YES 12 WHO SOUNDS LIKE HES 17 BUT STILL HES 12 AND SHES FLIRTING AND DOING ALL THE STUFF SHE DOES TO ME TO HIM BUT IT GETS WORSE I FIND OUT SHE HAS A BF AND SHES OVER HERE HUGGING AND KISSING ALL THESE PEOPLE BUT U WANNA KNOW SOMETHING BAD HER BF IS 14 now that isnt that bad but still HES 14 SO NOT ONLY SHE IS CHEATING ON HIM BUT HES ALSO 14 AND THEY ALWAYS GET INTO FIGHTS ON HOW HER BF ISNT LOYAL AND IS CHEATING ON HER AND TBH HER BF IS CHILL AF AND HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT anyways she asks for a face reveal so i just give her my face u know the 1 from the face reveal post and she says this "DAMN U HOT AF" and im clearly not and i just say thx and she sends a pic of her face and tbh SHE LOOKS LIKE A BOY IN A WIG SO NOW I THINK HER BF HAS FALLEN
23.04.2020 06:34
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FOR A TRAP AND IM JUST SHOCKED AT THIS POINT and i decided it had to stop fr stop so i stopped it today i just told her i have a gf now and she says "oh... ig we cant flirt with each other anymore..." and i wasnt i was just saying aw and stuff but anyways i just say "yep" and she says "ig u dont need me anymore" and im trying to be nice so i say "we can be friends" and she says "yeah just friends... not best friends" and im just to damn tired for this drama and bs so i just say "no we can be best friends" and she just say "..." and ik somethings wrong and i said "u ok?" when ik she isnt i just wanted to seem nice and she says "no... im jealous" and she already has a bf but im pretty sure she has 100 at this point and i just say "y u have a bf?" and she just says "I ****ING LIKE U I MEAN I DONT LIKE U I LOVE U AS A CRUSH ITS ****ING GREAT ITS ****ING GREAT TO BE JEALOUS" and i just say "idk wat to say so imma say o" and then i ask "wait so ur happy ur jealous?" and she just starts going off on me again and she
23.04.2020 06:44
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says "I WAS BEING SARCASTIC IT ****ING HURTS IT RLLY ****ING HURTS" and im just to tired for this shit at this point so i just say "dont u have a bf already?" and she says "not much" and i just say "well y dont u tell him wat u want" and then she just says "tbh idrc" and i just say "k" and then like 5 mins later she says "i just wanted to say ily heaps" and shes never said or called me that before so i just say "lyt as a friend no offense" and she just says "k" and says "bye go have fun" LIKE ITS MY DAMN FAULT I DONT LIKE HER AND I HAVE GF AND I DONT LIKE HER and im about to go off on her but im to tired to so i just say "k see ya" and thats the end of that
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