I <3 Glaceon
Step by Step Origami Crane
Kaden (Fire Emblem Fates)
Overwatch Reaper
im just here to spout nonsens
04.08.2020 00:54
Linkim just gonna talk about random stuff
it was impossible to actually keep me off the internet, countless times i had devices taken away but i always found a way to connect with other people and do stuff online
i used dsi once to get on the internet. i would use ut to search stuff up secretly.
i also had seen a password put in for a device once and rememberred it months later and dug around in a room to find it because ut wsnt used anymore and i used it. oarent forgot the password for it but i very much remembered, i secretly charged it under my bed and used it
i remember using a suler shitty nook, it didnt even have googleplay and couldnt download most apps. it was awful but it had an internet browser which was enough for me. it was stored up high on the top shelf in a closet under a stack of stuff. i would put it back everytime i was done using ut. it was slow and shitty but ut git the job done
i also used my school chromebook. of course it had restrictions but for a short time i knew how to open incognito tabs, but eventually they ended up shutting that down too. it was complicated way to get incognito tabs open but they ended up blocking a certain link from appearing that was imlortant to getting it. for a short time i used discord tho. i ended up finding fa, it was blocked on school wifi but i could use it at home