Uh yeah personality type!


01.05.2023 15:45

01.05.2023 15:47
Link-91% Introverted (definitely)
-51% Observant
-60% Feelings (Feels like 100%-)
-90% Prospecting (Dont really understand it, but doesn’t sound like me)
-90% Turbulent (yup)

01.05.2023 15:48
LinkUh here’s some more stuff-

01.05.2023 15:50
Link-Strengths: Charming, Sensitive to Others, Imaginative, Passionate, Curious, Artistic
-Weakness: Fiercely Independent (yup-), Unpredictable, Easily Stressed, Overly Competitive (NOPE), Fluctuating Self-Esteem (Idk what that means honestly)

01.05.2023 15:52
Link-In Friendships: Adventurer personalities believe in actions, not words. They talk about what is, not what could, should or will be, and then they actually do it. This passion for action is a blessing for Adventurers, since it helps them get past their shyness in meeting new people. Adventurers are sensitive, much more so than most, and it takes time to build enough trust with new friends to open up and feel natural.
If new acquaintances start things out by explaining “You’d do way better if...”, it’s unlikely they will ever be close – Adventurers just take these remarks too personally for comfort. People with this personality type are happy to get along with just about anyone, but potential friends need to ease up on being too judgmental or demanding.

01.05.2023 15:52
LinkIf their friends keep things supportive and easy-going, Adventurers are happy to return the favor with added warmth and laughter. When they’re with friends they trust, Adventurers know how to relax, shedding rules, traditions and expectations in favor of just enjoying themselves.
Those who prefer safe, structured environments might end up struggling in these friendships though, especially if they lecture Adventurers on how they’re living their lives. As with any criticism, those friends are free to do their own thing, and to leave Adventurers to do theirs.

01.05.2023 15:55
LinkBtw some of this stuff may not be accurate to me, I’ve gone through some other stuff that’s effected me and changed the way I am so yeah :P
Anyways I’m gonna take a lot more online tests for fun, I have nothing to do in class and I finished my work that should’ve landed me in detention for not being done :D!