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09.12.2020 14:55
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Guys…I'm sorry but idk if I can stay on here anymore…my mom is threatening me that she's gonna put me in a group home bc of me lying alot..and if my grades don't go up…and alot of other things…I'm so stressed out and I can't focus on anything anymore. She gave up on me, and I should care…, but I'm too angry and done with everything that I just…I won't say it but I think you get what I'm saying…
09.12.2020 22:37
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I'm so sorry you feel this way, and I have a couple things to say. 1. If you feel the need to go, don't think you have to stay. Do what you need to do. 2. If you mom gave up on you, maybe she just isn't good enough for you. No mother should ever give up on their child, no matter the circumstances. 3. Keep trying. Try to cut the habit of lying, maybe work a little harder in school, and no matter what, just don't give up. But, don't stress yourself. That part is important. 4. Take some time to relax. If you're stressed, maybe you've got too much on your shoulders, and just need to take a breather. Try some breathing exercises, talking to someone trusted, etc. 5. Stay positive. Thinking negative thoughts won't help - trust me. It only makes things worse. Look on the brighter side of things if things seem down, and try not to succumb to the sadder, angrier, negative side of yourelf. I hope these helped, and that you feel better soon. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. ^^
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