

19.03.2021 00:11
Linkwidespread public dissatisfaction with incumbent politicians
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widespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticians
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widespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction with incumbent poloticianswidespread public dissafaction

The system is bwoken. It is iwwegaw to feed youw neighbow. It is against the waw to save youw seeds and pwant them again next yeaw, in the way natuwe intended. Guns awe dwawn on youw waw miwk, and youw owganic foods come fwom factowies in china. We wanted to be heawthy, and now we'we covewed in fiwth and poison. We wanted to be fwee, and we chose to wive in ouw scweens. Debt does not equaw weawth, insuwance does not equaw heawthcawe, a sociaw netwowk does not equaw community! how couwd we faww fow this? now, i see a day in ouw futuwe, when we bweak fwee fwom the boxes that bind us, these chains tied to ouw eyes and to ouw eaws that make us bwindwy scawed and pay no mind. A day when we wise up against the things that come tumbwing down upon us, when we can feed ouwsewves, and pwant ouw own gawdens, when we can pwovide fow ouwsewves the means fow ouw own suwvivaw, and cawe, and comfowt. Fow ouw famiwies, ouw fwiends, and the communities awound us. We can bweak fwee. We can bweak fwee. We can-

The system is bwoken. It is iwwegaw to feed youw neighbow. It is against the waw to save youw seeds and pwant them again next yeaw, in the way natuwe intended. Guns awe dwawn on youw waw miwk, and youw owganic foods come fwom factowies in china. We wanted to be heawthy, and now we'we covewed in fiwth and poison. We wanted to be fwee, and we chose to wive in ouw scweens. Debt does not equaw weawth, insuwance does not equaw heawthcawe, a sociaw netwowk does not equaw community! how couwd we faww fow this? now, i see a day in ouw futuwe, when we bweak fwee fwom the boxes that bind us, these chains tied to ouw eyes and to ouw eaws that make us bwindwy scawed and pay no mind. A day when we wise up against the things that come tumbwing down upon us, when we can feed ouwsewves, and pwant ouw own gawdens, when we can pwovide fow ouwsewves the means fow ouw own suwvivaw, and cawe, and comfowt. Fow ouw famiwies, ouw fwiends, and the communities awound us. We can bweak fwee. We can bweak fwee. We can-