Happy Valentines Day!
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Medicine Meme For Snickers ^^
Citrus || Kiss (Chp. 28)
Flower Jungle
GonnaTalkAbout RandomDumbStuff
05.12.2017 02:28
Linkthat little foot tapping animation just looks kinda weird, not like, bad, just weird
Hi feel free to have conversations about dumb topics here
05.12.2017 02:29
Linkor ask dumb or weird questions if you want
hi im a son to somebody who is also my husband because theyre my sons father but also my father but if theyre my sons father it also makes them my husband
Confused yet? :D
It's raining right now and that makes me kinda happy
I would like to go out and sit in the rain, but it's dark, and I'm scared of the dark because I am childish
why is rain so nice, cause I love it, like, a lot, more than a lot
idk why but sometimes I'll just walk up and down my drive way eating popsicles in the rain
I have a weird yard, so walking up and down the driveway isn't as suspicious looking where I live, the driveway is technically still in the yard cause it's in the fence, and I have a pretty long drive way, it's kinda weird to explain
I would do that if I had a flat roof, sometimes I just sit at the end of my drive way, there are a bunch of jasmine flowers at the end of my drive way so it smells really good when they start to bloom
there are fireworks still on my roof and no one has cared to climb up and get them off, they will probably stay there forever