Kermit pondering life..
Experience Tranquility XD
Zigzag the Grand Vizier 2
zero two
- The Grinch -
Rainbow dance
rant about tanacon.
29.06.2018 21:39
LinkI have a question
29.06.2018 21:41
29.06.2018 21:43
LinkWhat is tanacon?
29.06.2018 21:43
LinkA youtuber tried to make her own vidcon but it was quickly ruined.
29.06.2018 21:48
I have a gay friend who loves Tana, ****ing adores her.
I know she's not the best youtuber, but she made him feel worthy of being alive.
Personally I think she's just another wannabe rich white girl.
But the fact that she scammed all of those people, thinking they would get water and food, is horrible.
he stood out there forever, he didn't think that they wouldn't give him water, so he had to spend extra money (since he spend over 5,000 just to go to cali) But the fact that he came home so ****ing sad and sun burned pissed me the **** off.
And she said nothing, she didnt say ''sorry for scamming'' or ''i didnt expect there to be 5,000 wOaH!''
but he let down so many youtubers.
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shes just like been lying so much about everything
shes been inflating figures like crazy and stuff and i dont think its entirely her fault but she... uh, at least should have done her research or something, or you know planned it more than a month out. but no, she had to have it rival vidcon so she had to have it so close and at the same time because she's petty
she needs to give everyone refunds, she surely couldnt have spent all the money she made from tickets on the 1 cent string bags she gave everyone
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The majority of conventions I've heard of do shady crap like that, it pisses me off.
I feel bad for your friend, I hope his sunburn gets better soon.