
Xmas gift for IArtistAnimatesI

FlipAnim: All Stars!


The Music Fuels Me

fixed lighting n stuff

bye lena problems


14.12.2019 15:43
Linkso um abusive parents

14.12.2019 15:45
bye bye lena problems

14.12.2019 15:48
LinkI've had an abusive of my own, he was nice at times and gave me toys and called me "soulithe" (that's how you pronounce it but idk how to spell it lmao) which means sunshine in latvian
but his drinking and anger was a real problem, as my grandad is still an alcoholic up to now
Not gonna add too much context but my mom has been abused by him and he abused me, hut I dont remember him doing anything to me
it was my mom that I saw happen and I've been screaming at him everytime he did that, it really sucked
I remember them having an arguement in front of me, which I tried to stop by getting up and telling my dad to stop but he gave me this glare and put his fist in front of me which terrified me, and I went of to my room behind my bed and cried a bit
sometimes I'd facetime him which was pretty harmless, but my mom would always put some rubber band around the door so he wouldnt come in
one day,,
one day my mom and I went to the garda (or garda idk, the police for more easier understanding)

14.12.2019 15:52
Linkshe told them all about my dad and so
I dont really remember what happened but all I remember is
going to the hospital with my grandparents and my mom
we sat down, looked forward and saw him, just lying there
I dont wanna say anything extreme or anything cause it might be offensive but,, you know what happened
everyone was crying except me, I didnt understand what was happening in this situation
we went to our grandparents and they started yelling at my mom and she cried leaving they're house
this is kinda iff topic but I remember going down the stairs one time and my grandparents and seeing one of my uncles drag my mom across the floor, she was probably drunk at the time because they had an adult party, but i was scared and thought something happened, i screamed and tried running to her but another one of my uncles stopped me and brought me upstairs to where i started pu ching him and everything
this was all when i was 5 just so it makes a lot more sense

14.12.2019 15:54
LinkI think after a while that happened I was always down
and my whole life I've lacked confidence, since I was 3 at least
I really wish I could boost up confidence
but the thing is, I dont wanna call this sadness "depression" because I know others have it worse than me