F U C K YOU ALL!!!!!


05.06.2017 00:22
LinkListen. It was rude of me to lash out and say my comment. I was just mad that she was being rude to my friend, madsmarie. I sincerely apologize and i understand it if you can't accept it. Your no trash, and if you were, you'd be the best trash there ever was. I get it that you're mad and don't like us all,, but thats okay. I'm the real trash here. My name even states it that I'm a piece of shit. I swear, i really do apologize. please forgive me. And again, if you can't, then its fine. I understand it.

05.06.2017 00:24
Linkyou are true :)

05.06.2017 00:24
LinkAre you gonna forgive me or not. I said give me liberty or give me death, just choose yes or no and thats your choice.

05.06.2017 00:25
Linki am sorry...

05.06.2017 00:27
Link...really.. are you? I wasn't trying to be mean. I'm just a drama queen, and when i saw that your friend was being mean t y friend i just couldn't control myself. I'm really, REALLY sorry about everything. I didn't mean to interfere. I didn't mean to be rude. I swear. Please..

05.06.2017 00:28
LinkPlease, if your friend is still on please just please convince her that I'm sorry. I really am, and if i tell her myself she might not believe it and i understand her for that. i don't want to get into anymore trouble. I don't want her to leave. Or you. Because your both wonderful people on this site.

05.06.2017 00:29
Linkim sorry for being on here, not for you! NO pity!And you are true!
You are trash! :D

05.06.2017 00:30
Link...lol okay you suck. I actually tried to be nice but okay, no pity for me then. my life already sucks and you ARE trash just like me! Honestly, it would be a compliment but to you, possibly not. SO how about you bibbity bobby back the **** outta my life and leave to another place. like the garbage bin.

05.06.2017 00:31
Linkbtw dont say my dads name :) **** you

05.06.2017 00:33
Link...im the one who sucks, dont say she sucks, but i suck...

05.06.2017 19:29
Linkim sorry :(