10.10.2019 00:01
LinkLemme type!
Only use the colors
ff0087 ffc800 00d9ff 00000
10.10.2019 00:08
Link(The parts are translated into english, if you need Japanese/ romanji ask)
Part 1: We're the only ones on the Chuo Line
Collecting the news, dangerous times
Girl's rumors are poisonous
I don't know what's correct anymore
Part 2: Again today at the school store, one gossip
Hanging myself would be simple
Extremely bored honor student, unfeeling
Run through the hallway but you can't catch me
Part 3: I want you to look at me
Part 4: More darling darling darling hey don't make fun of me
Kisses after school skipping club activities
If we're playing that's fine
That's already the climax
Just allow me a little selfishness
10.10.2019 00:13
LinkPart 5:
We already understand that
Breathing is extremely difficult
It's true adults hide it like we want to know
So we like those before us cover it up
Part 6:
A sunday of indirect insolence
A highway of dashing, out of breath
Is it tommorow again? Have a good day
I get dizzy so hold me please
Part 7:
Darling darling darling I've already straightened my back
I painted on the colors of adulthood my mistake
Quick reset even playing is troublesome
Determine the razor and slash
10.10.2019 00:17
LinkPart 8:
At any rate it's because I'm a kid that you're looking at me so patronizingly
This is even more important now than I did on the final test
Properly teach me and make me understand
Full of mistakes good bye tut tuts
Part 9:
Darling darling darling hey don't make fun of me
Kisses after school skipping club activities
If we're playing that's fine
That's already the climax
Shoot out even the world
Part 10: Darling darling darling hey don't patronize of me
Don't think it's like fooling a kid
That's enough inferiority to being talked down at
Here's the critical moment take it in