- create flipbook animations online!
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09.07.2019 02:49
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elt me type
09.07.2019 02:49
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09.07.2019 02:50
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09.07.2019 02:50
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09.07.2019 02:51
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It was a rainy, stormy, night at the place. The "place" was actually an abandoned hotel. The only "people" there was animatronics. The main animatronic there was a fox named Cookie. With an anti-human body, she had teal fur that also had rips and areas where the animatronic would show. She also had, of course, brown blobs all over her entire body. She was built to represent a cookie! She had a tan-ish brown colour chest fur, cheeks, paws, ear fluff, and feet. Cookie also had teal hair that faded into the tan and then the brown. Her tail was super fluffy! Cookie's tail was teal and the tip was the tan. She also wore a black top hat. Her eyes were brown. She also goes along with her best friend, Night. Night was obviously dark grey. He was spotted with white dots all over him. He had purple chest fur, paws, ear fluff, hair, and feet. He was a cat so he had a dark grey tail and the tip was purple, and the very tip was white. His eyes were purple. And the last person is Aurora. She had clean, light red fur.
09.07.2019 02:52
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She also had long dark red hair. Her chops were also different. They were yellow stars. Then there was the last unique thing about her; she was blind. She coudlnt see at all, so she wears glasses. That only helps a little but not a lot. Her vision is still bad. The hotel was a large yet small one. There were 50 rooms. 3 rooms were storage. There was a broken elevator that only worked when it wanted to. CRASH! A box magna fell all over Cookie. "What was that?" Aurora said. Aurora ran as she felt the walls of the hotel. Aurora got to the first storage room where Cookie was. "Are you alright?" Aurora asked. "Yeah yeah whatever," Cookie said with a bored tone. "THAT'S IT!" Aurora yelled. Night was eating in the desk area when he heard Aurora yell. He ran quickly up the stairs and the ran more stairs and found Aurora and Cookie. "Im here! What happened?" Night asked, with a half-eaten cookie in his mouth. "You were trying to eat me!" Cookie joked in an anime voice. Night blushed hard. "W-wha-what!
09.07.2019 02:52
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There were coo-cookies down there a-and I grabbed a few!" Night explained. Cookie giggled so much Night thought she would pass out. Aurora, on the other hand, stared at them with a blank expression in her eyes. Night and Cookie looked back at her. Suspicion filled the room. "Nya!" Aurora screamed. "Night, stop looking at me!" Aurora blushed. "Oh come on, Night wasn't looking at you, he was looking at me," Cookie sighed. "Jealous much?" Aurora whispered. "WHAT NO!" Cookie yelled. "Then why do you CARE IF HE LOOKS AT YOU?" Aurora yelled. Night was just standing there, done eating his cookie, and just staring. What should I do? Night thought. "Guys guys stop, please?" Night said. Cookie and Aurora quickly listened. "Yes," They both said. Night stood awkwardly. "Uhm, ima go eat now, hah," Night said, leaving the room. "Now that he's out of the way.." Aurora said under her breath. "No, don't you t-think about it," Cookie said sceptically. Aurora threw her first punch at Cookie but she managed o doge it. "WHAT!?
09.07.2019 02:53
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YOUR BLIND! SO HOW CAN YOU-" Cookie paused. She looked at Aurora's glasses which fell on the floor, looked at a surprised Night, and then looked at Aurora. She stood there, with a tear down her face. "YOU AR-" Cookie said again. "H-" She couldn't speak. Silence fell for a long moment. "So you aren't blind...." Cookie said at last. Aurora passed out the next minute. A few hours later, Aurora woke up with Night sitting next to her. "You- you came," Aurora said happily. "Yeah," Night said. "We need to get outta here," Night helped Aurora up. "Than-thanks senpai-Night!" Aurora exclaimed. They got out and they all went to there stage. Aurora sighed. It was morning, the day Aurora wanted to confess something. Well actually, two things. Aurora went to go look for Cookie and Night. Not on the stage. Not in the storage rooms. Not in the bedrooms. Aurora got frustrated. In the cafeteria? I hope... Aurora thought as she walked into this... Night blushing.... Cookie blushing and laughing... Aurora got mad. "Soooooo, what
09.07.2019 02:54
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the," Aurora coughed. "'Love Birds' up to?" Aurora said upsettingly. "H-HEY! I do-dont like h-h-he-HER!" Night stuttered. Cookie felt down. "Then who do you like.." Cookie mumbled. "Uh, no- one.." Night said. Aurora and Cookie looked at each other with the angriest expression. Night walked out of the cafeteria without both of them noticing. It was slowly turning night. Aurora found Cookie all alone. "Hey..." Aurora said as she sat next to Cookie. She didn't talk. "Oh come on! You are never like this? Always happy-" "You like Night, don't you? Your not blind I guess so you lied to me and Night..." Cookie finally said as she interrupted Aurora. "WHAT? NO! I DO NOT! AND I MEAN NOT LIKE HIM!" Aurora yelled. "And I came here to confess a couple of things..." "You always blush with glee when he is with you or when he is talking to you... You know that... that I like him, right?" Cookie went on. "Also, you shout when we are talking about him or whatever. And, on top of that, you lied to both of us. Just tell me, A
09.07.2019 02:55
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Aurora, are you-do you, like Night?" Cookie finally said. Aurora sighed. "Im not-not blind after all.." There was a long pause until Aurora started crying. "Aurora...." Cookie paused. "And-and Im l-leaving...the whole town..." Aurora said softly. Cookie was heartbroken. "I hate you, Aurora" Cookie said. "Hat-hate is a strong word.." Aurora said. Cookie stood up and Aurora did too. "I don't know why I lied about, what, being blind? Haha, that is sooo stupid..." Aurora said. "You take everything away from me... It's not fair you get all the attention..." Cookie said, and now they are both close to each other staring right at both eyes. "So that's why you hate me," Aurora said, laughing and crying more at the same time. Cookie stared at her with the blankest eyes. "Don't leave me again.." She mumbled to herself. And then Aurora was off. Cookie never saw her again.
09.07.2019 02:55
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09.07.2019 02:55
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A couple of miles away from the hotel was a dock. Cookie sighed as she sat at the edge of the dock. For the entrance of dock was a wood plank entrance. It was basically a long little house type thing that blocks you from the sun. Then you go in the wide opening where the long dock is. Cookie sat there alone. Night watched from the entrance as Aurora left. "Hey," Night said. "Oh, hey..." Cookie said, startled. "Sorry for scaring you," Night laughed. "Haha, it's fine.." Cookie laughed awkwardly. They both fake laughed until it was silent. The pretty orange sunset and the fake giggles didn't go together. The beautiful glittering lake beamed with the sparkling light from the sun. And then Cookie got up. Night got closer. Cookie winced. Night blushed and flinched back. Cookie suddenly got closer. It was quite awkward between both of them. They stayed like that. Cookie waited for Night to do something. Night was waiting for Cookie to leave. They both blushed hard and Cooke ran away. "Cute...." Night said aloud.
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