Citrus || Daily (Chp. 30)


26.07.2017 12:06
Linkwow! cool

26.07.2017 12:08
Link@SkYStARGiRl12 Thank you! ^_^

28.07.2017 01:04

28.07.2017 01:04
Linksorry guys that was my mom XD

30.07.2017 00:34
Link@CupCakeGirl7083 The manga is rated 16 and older, and there is no nudity present. It contains a beautiful story as well as beautiful art. It's so popular that it's receiving an anime. There is technically nothing inappropriate within the manga, but I apologize for offending you. :)

31.07.2017 07:35
Linki'm 8 bishezz

01.08.2017 03:04
LinkW H A T 8 Y E A R S O L D S H O U L D N T B E H E R E O N F L I P A N I M

01.08.2017 13:38
Linki even can draw better than you

01.08.2017 14:01
Linklol im 11.

02.08.2017 06:05
Linki keep saying circus but it's citrus XD

07.08.2017 04:33
Link@CupCakeGirl7083 lol ^_^

07.08.2017 04:34
LinkI'm seventeen! ^_^

09.08.2017 17:44
Linkmon cousin is 18 :P

09.08.2017 17:44

12.08.2017 19:59
LinkBtw @cupcake girl ur mom spells inappropriate wrong?

12.08.2017 19:59
LinkHmmmmmm soospicious

15.08.2017 17:43
LinkXDDDDD @generalderp

18.08.2017 06:23
Link@medeea stfu your animations are shit

22.08.2017 10:50
Linkyours too *****!

22.08.2017 10:54
Linkguys! stop fighting!!

23.08.2017 11:01
LinkWhat did I miss

28.08.2017 00:59
LinkCome on, guys. Please no fighting. We all have our own amazing style! <3

29.08.2017 04:23
Linklol im obviously nine years oldXD

29.08.2017 04:24
LinkI M N I N E B I S H E S

01.09.2017 07:28
LinkI’m 14

23.09.2017 11:23

03.10.2017 01:21

29.10.2017 23:33
Link11 on Valentine's day. Bruh, you peoplez is old

29.10.2017 23:33
Link11 on Valentine's day. Bruh, you peoplez is old

29.11.2017 17:45
LinkThis is soooooooooo coool

10.01.2018 22:48
LinkI’m 8 xD

25.01.2018 02:13
LinkI'm 9 BOIS

11.02.2018 02:17
Linkim a human

26.02.2018 13:36
Linkme 11 bro.....

07.03.2018 06:19
Linkam i the only 13 yr old?

07.03.2018 06:19
Linkam i the only 13 yr old?

22.03.2018 20:13
Linkim 10

07.04.2018 16:02
Linksooooo awsome

17.05.2018 09:57
LinkI'm so close to 13

19.05.2018 09:19
Linkim 2017 according to my wattpad account

28.06.2018 10:14

04.07.2018 11:11
Comment removed

07.07.2018 23:07
LinkHA! I am -46. You guys can suck it!

10.08.2018 21:11

03.09.2018 05:21
Sup b
Sup bi
Sup bit
Sup bitc
Sup *****
Sup *****e
Sup *****es
Sup *****e
Sup *****
Sup bitc
Sup bit
Sup bi
Sup b

29.09.2018 02:55

09.11.2018 20:26
Linkthere has been moms younger than 10. its weird af

24.11.2018 13:48
LinkI'm 14... :)

21.01.2019 00:50
LinkI AM 4,

20.02.2019 03:26
Link15 here just cant draw right yet

25.02.2019 23:36
Linki don't like the show but good job

05.03.2019 00:42
LinkI’m almost 12 so I have 4 years :3

18.03.2019 08:15
Linkquestion: This girl with blonde hair is a lesbian?
My Opinion for this: This is very wow cause i'm interested with your drawing skills at anime cause this is my dream to become...AN ARTIST!

25.03.2019 01:04
LinkI'm 3 days young botchesssss

25.04.2019 19:25
LinkIt’s pretty sad that 9-11 yr olds are saying bad words

18.06.2019 02:31
LinkCHECK THIS OUT ;3 ----------------------------------------->

31.07.2019 00:56
Yes. The two girls are actually lovers.
Thank you! I wish you the best! ;)

11.09.2019 00:22
Link***** im 11

09.12.2019 04:00
Link9-11 year olds are just swearing to make themself look cool, but if you ask somebody else they think your rude. If you swear you obviously have no sense of diginity
Comment removed

21.05.2020 01:45
Link.. I'm...
Comment removed

27.05.2020 02:48
Linkim 12

10.10.2020 19:10
LinkI am........

11.12.2020 18:51
Linkyeet im 9 (flipanim is 8+ ages)

30.01.2021 03:15

10.02.2021 05:58
LinkYay I'm 9
I joined literally a few days after my birthday :)

03.03.2021 17:22
LinkI’m twelve and pls like thisssss🌍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 featureeew

12.03.2022 09:52
Linki'm 1

I love this series, very talented and very gay.... I love people who like the same gender cuz it is sooooo cute! Who agrees?

This series is by far one of my favorites. I don't see anything wrong with a person loving someone of the same gender. If it's what they desire, then who are others to judge them for it? Other people are not affected. Rather than something to be despised, I think it's something to be admired. It's so difficult to be true to one's self because people are so judgemental these days. This manga truly portrays the struggles well. They're both girls, they're step-sisters, and they are from two different worlds, one where responsibility is everything and one where happiness surpasses all obligations. For Yuzu and Mei, it is so difficult for them to have a relationship, but they always come back to one another because it's what they both truly want. They can't deny what their hearts want. Even through all the struggles and judgment, they find their way to one another because it's what they have chosen. That takes courage and I find it incredibly admirable. <3
Sorry for the long reply. XD They are

You both are truly idiots. The world is so frikkin' judgemental because being lesbian or gay is WRONG. You have amazing talent but its being wasted on you drawing frikkin trash like this. i understand the world has different views but does that make it right? I mean, look at it, think about it, what makes it right?! If your "true self" is gay, go find help. The world has brainwashed this generation in thinking 1)Gender doesnt exist and 2)its okay to sexually love the same sex. Its okay to love someone but once it gets sexual, its wrong. All you stupid gay people should just accept its wrong and friggin MOVE ON. Men are for women and Women are for men. Its that simple and yet you stupid millenials cant understand it. Its sad that im 12 and your an adult. And yet i know and was raised to think that gay is wrong and it is. I dont want to be the guy who does nothing but rant but i have to because this world is FRIKKIN MESSED UP and is going to burn in flames. Our society is falling apart.

@EthanP I respect your opinion, but you clearly do not fully understand this subject. People have felt this way for years. It is not that 2018/ 2019 are the years where people "turn" gay, but they are the years where people are beginning to open their eyes rather than overlooking what clearly exists. You say that it is wrong, but what makes a woman being with a man and vice versa right? Why should a person's sexual preference matter to anyone, when it is a personal matter to begin with? I bet you think that it is a choice, but who would choose to be labelled as a lesser being because of something they cannot even control? Why choose to cry yourself to sleep at night worrying about what others may think of you when you can just be "normal"? It is not something we have a say over, but it is something we can accept and love about ourselves rather than tear ourselves down and become more broken than we already are. I have felt this way for a long time and I did my darndest to repress it because I wanted to be

@EthanP normal. However, no matter what I did, I kept feeling the same. I denied it time and time again, but the issue would always resurface. I was fed up lying to myself when it was clearly unhealthy. I have accepted myself and I feel so much more free than I ever did before. You say that you were raised to not believe in this; I'm in a Christian family and I am Christian, but I couldn't help how I felt. That does not make me a bad person. I'm just trying to say that until you meet someone who has experienced this or you yourself undergo this, it is unfair for you to judge someone as if they are the worst kind of person. You don't know the other side of the story; you only know what you've been told. You're still young and have a lot to learn; I'm an adult and I'm still learning. Opinions change, simple as that. I still respect yours, though. However, I also hope that you may come to understand us one day so that the harshness between us may be a thing of the past. <3

@Lacey-Grammar you are 10000000000000% right. People shouldn't be made fun of or hated because of their sexuality or anything. I'm with you, one reason because I myself am in the LGBTQ+ community. Now I may be 10 years old but I perfectly understand what the LGBTQ+ community is. I'm bisexual, and I'm proud. Everyone should be proud. Whether their gay, straight, bi, pan, trans, genderfluid, or anything they are. I'm also genderfluid. Though, I may actually more feminine when I'm on here. I sometimes have days where I'm uncomfortable with the clothes I'm wearing. And I really don't like it when someone says that genderfluid isn't real. Cause I know it is. I don't know why, but I find it horrifying that people think that transgender and non binary and agender and genderfluid aren't real things. And I find it equally horrifying that people have been mean to people who are gay or anything that they are. People have even KILLED gay people just because of that.

I’m in the LGBTQ community (I’m questioning.) and that scares me. I can say this online because behind a screen, no one knows who I am and I’m not scared. The reason why it scares me is because there’s many people out there in the world like EthanP who will harass people in the LGBTQ community (sorry for the harsh comment @EthanP). And I’m scared because many people are saying that God “despises” lesbian or gay people and I really don’t want to go to hell. But others are saying that he accepts them/us, and some say he *ahem my friends ahem* prefers people not to be, but he wants you to be happy. And also @EthanP, what you said was really hurtful. Everyone in the LGBTQ community can’t help but be in the community. Something may have caused the feelings to “be born” (like in my case.), or they just emerged.

@Lacey-Grammer I’m sorry but holy cow. Please read this it took a long time to write and research.
I’m regards forwards the situation between your debate with @EthanP
Truly take this in my beliefs that I agree with @EthanP
There was no word in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek for "homosexual" or "homosexuality." These words were invented near the end of the 19th century when psychoanalysts began to discover and understand sexuality as an essential part of the human personality in all of its diversity. Consequently, it cannot be claimed that the Bible says anything at all about it. The writers of the Bible had neither the understanding of it nor the language for it.

There is only one reference to sexual behavior between women, and that is in Romans 1:26. The context of this reference has to do with Gentiles rejecting the true God to pursue false gods; i.e., idolatry. And, the sexual behavior described is orgiastic, not that of a loving, mutual, caring, committed relationship. What is condemned is the worship of false gods.

Sexuality is a wonderful gift from God. It is more than genital behavior. It's the way we embody and express ourselves in the world. But we cannot love another person intimately without embodying that love, without using our bodies to love. And that does involve genital behavior. Sexual love is for the purpose of giving and receiving pleasure with our most intimate partner. It is a means of deepening and strengthening the intimate union that exists. This can only be healthy and good if our behavior is consistent with who we are and with whom we love, and when we are true to our own sexuality and orientation.

In regard to marriage, it's important to remember that the Bible was written in a patriarchal culture that assumed men were in control and women were subject to them. Marriage was not an equal partnership, but a matter of a man owning a woman or women as property. Women provided men companionship, children and labor. Certainly, love between the man and woman or women could develop, but love was not the basis of marriage. Consequently, the biblical concept of marriage is not appropriate today. We no longer accept the inferiority of women and superiority of men. We no longer accept marriage to be a property transaction. The concept of marriage has evolved throughout history. Today, we understand it to be a voluntary spiritual relationship based on love, respect, mutuality and commitment. What really matters is the quality of the relationship, not the gender of the persons involved. And marriage is created not by religious ceremony or civil government. It is created by the persons involved who make their commitm

How do I view God's position on "homosexuality?" I believe lesbian, gay and bisexual people to be a part of God's wondrous creation, created to be just who they are, and completely loved and treasured by God. I believe God does not intend for any one to be alone but to live in companionship. And I believe God expects healthy loving relationships to include sexual love. The Bible doesn't say this, of course. But neither does it deny it. I believe this to be true not only because of the Bible's emphasis on the goodness of God's creation and the supreme value of love, but because of the greater understanding of human nature that we have available to us today. I do not believe that God intends us to live in the small world of ancient biblical culture, but rather in God's larger evolving world informed by science, reason and experience.

The following books are helpful in better understanding the debate about the Bible and homosexuality:
• Blessed Bi Spirit: Bisexual People of Faith, edited by Debra R. Kolodny (Continuum, 2000);
• Freedom, Glorious Freedom: The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays, Lesbians, and Everybody Else, by John J. McNeill (Beacon Press, 1995);
• The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart, by Peter J. Gomes (William Morrow and Company Inc., 1996);
• Is The Homosexual My Neighbor?: Another Christian View (Revised) by Letha Scanzoni and Virginia Ramey Mollenkott (Harper & Row Publishers, 1996);
• The New Testament and Homosexuality: Contextual Background and Contemporary Debate by Robin

• Our Passion for Justice: Images of Power, Sexuality, and Liberation by Carter Heyward (The Pilgrim Press, 1984);
• Recognizing Ourselves: Ceremonies of Lesbian and Gay Commitment by Ellen Lewin (Columbia University Press, 1998);
• Stranger At The Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America by Mel White (Plume, 1994);
• Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian, gay and Jewish edited by Christie Balka and Andy Rose, (Beacon Press, 1989); and
• What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D. (Alamo Square Press, 1994).

Sorry for the long written response. I am very serious on this matter and do hope you are to as you have shown already.
I do not condone your work but I do wish you would stop.
But don’t stop do what you desire to do and really enjoy what you do.
I am not forcing you to change your beliefs at all please note that this is only in my beliefs and what I am putting out there for you.
Please continue what you desire to continue.
-much obliged
Comment removed

Hello there. I apologize for the late reply. I've actually read your response many times over the past few months but was uncertain of how to properly reply. By what I've gathered, it seems that you understand that marriage does not equal the bondage of a man and a woman but rather, it is an equal and loving partnership. It seems that you have great faith, but you don't limit your views to what the Bible intended in the past. Instead, you believe that is grows and flourishes along with us. It seems you are supportive of both religion and all forms of love.
However, you did state in the very beginning of your discussion that you agree with Ethan, yet your findings do not support that of Ethan's. Could you have simply been referring to the art I enjoy to depict? Could you have meant the idea of homosexuality since the term had not been invented in the time period you were discussing? Was there a misunderstanding elsewhere? I would genuinely like to know. I very much appreciate your detaile

What's wrong with 8 year olds being on flipanim! I'm 8 and I can animate expertly! My animations are so appropriate!

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