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Chapters: Psycho Coach
06.03.2019 13:50
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06.03.2019 13:50
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Nichole Ok, even I would not go up to big monsters and talk to them. I don’t know HOW Dan did it but, I’d be out of there the second he said ‘hello’. Dan is braver than he looks…..I’ll have to remember that. Kyle and I walked into our first period class, PE. I was exited, I loved PE. I looked over at Kyle “You good bro?” I asked him. “Let’s just say that Phys Ed isn’t really my best class…” he responded. “I can barely run for over 3 minutes” he nervously laughed. I facepalmed. Then, I just left and went into the locker room to change. When I came out I saw Kyle and Dan talking. “Hey guys!” I called to them. “I’ve been waiting here for 10 minutes, what took you so long?” Dan asked. I made a face at him that said ‘really?’. Then he laughed, I sighed. I heard a sudden loud blow of a whistle. “TIME FOR A MORNING JOG!” yelled the coach, who by the look of his uniform used to be a drill Sargent. “Umm, don’t you think you should introduce us to you, and your cla
06.03.2019 13:50
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The coach glared at the kid then looked him in the eyes face to face, thier noses almost touching. “You dare question my teaching? Well then I’ll introduce myself. I am your COACH and you will do what I say without question, we got that clear?” Said the coach. “Um, I don’t think that’s legal…” the kid responded. “Looks like we have a trouble maker…….NOW DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 20!” the coach made the kid do 20 push-ups then and there, and he didn’t look like he could do 5, much less 20.
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