02.01.2018 18:05
don't. please don't. i'm not going to make you stop this, heck my opinion doesn't even matter here, but just know that some people are here for you if you need to talk. Don't end it all. You can only live once. You're a good person, the world needs good people. in the future you will be doing important things, making a change to the world, i can tell. It might feel bad now, but it gets better in the future if you can take the pain of the present. This is coming from a suicidal depressed maniac, so i know what I'm talking about here. Don't end it, you can make it through the pain that is hapenening currently. Don't do it. You can do it, but keep in mind as you do that you shouldn't have, all the pain you will bring to those who care for you, those who want you alive, how you will leave them, depressed and blameing themselves. Suicide is like a line of dominos, one life leads to someones else's to another person's to another's. keep that in mind.