

04.01.2018 01:20
Linkyou have my attention

Hey guys!
As you know, I've been updating quite frequently for the past few days. However, this is about to change due to 2 major reasons:
1. school
2. personal
Hopefully I don't have to go into full details on how Christmas break ties to my recent activities. As for my personal reason, please let me explain.
First of all, I just want to say that FlipAnim had given me a chance to express my creativity and meet new people, and provided me with an overall fun experience. But as much as I like this website, I have realized that I'm growing tired of (from?) it. In short, I decided that it's best for me to take a break from it. I'm not exactly sure when I will be "back" back. I'm still going to reply/give feedback to other people.
For those who have requested something from me, I promise to finish them by the end of this week (hopefully). I apologize in advance.
Thank you for understanding and I'll see you soon.