- create flipbook animations online!
Ghosts and Contracts 1
26.01.2020 12:43
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literally nothing special, i was just like "OOOOOOOH 4 am drawing time" so I made a manga cover I guess.
26.01.2020 12:46
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I also have a story with it xd its not finished but here yu go.. . . .I was just a mere runaway. Looking for some way to live solitarily. I stumbled across this and that, running through what seemed to be lots of trees, some burnt down, and some taller than others. This place was eerie but in a pretty way, the sky turned to a purple shade then the normal blue shade I would normally see. I decided this was the place where I could rest. Until I was suddenly carried up, I was in some sort of trap, I kicked and punched the sides of what I was being carried in, until it finally broke and I fell to the ground with an ACK- I rubbed my eyes, the world dissipated before my eyes and I was met with what had to be the worst thing that has ever popped into my life. His name was the Snatcher, he makes you do his contracts for your soul, I don't know why, but I’m pretty sure it’s a stupid reason. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!” He cackles, “You blew it! Messed up big time! Nobody enters MY fore
26.01.2020 12:47
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est and leaves in one piece!” You stare at him, what was he talking about..? “But you get to live! Aren’t you lucky? I’ve got this little paper down here,” He remarks as a contract pops into existence, “Just sign right here at the bottom!” You look at the contracts details. What caught your eye was the calligraphy, and the fact that you are about to get your soul stolen by some poor excuse of a lawyer,but other than that the writing was really good. You gazed at it, just to admire it for a bit, then you took the quill that was hanging in the air, (God knows how) and signed your name at the bottom. He howls again, “AHAAHAHAHAHAH, that seals the deal! Let me take this real quick,” As you watch your soul rise from your body (expecting it to be more painful) feeling indifferent.”It doesn’t seem like you care that your soul has been taken, if thats the case, you wouldn’t mind if I eat it, right? I bet thats what you want since you stepped in my territory.” Honestly he wasn’t wrong. “Y
26.01.2020 12:48
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eah, I guess.” You say. “Well TOO BAD, you’re my newest servant, and you already signed my contract!” You stare at him and shrug, “I guess thats too bad, and I’m guessing I’ve no other choice, now that you have my soul and everything.” He rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath, “Whatever. Smell you later!” As he dives under the ground where you were standing. You look back at the contract’s details, you weren’t actually reading the details, you were only looking at the calligraphy, cut up some firewood, huh? It didn’t seem like it was a hard task, you assumed that he meant the wood where it was burning like peck. On the way here, you managed to find an axe. So this will be a feasible task. You managed to complete the task in 20 minutes, cutting up to 30 pieces of firewood. You carry it back to Snatcher, wondering why you put up with this. Thats it, xd ik its big trash
26.01.2020 13:37
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Oo~ color ouo Tbh I'm way to lazy to read all of that ahh-
26.01.2020 18:45
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Ish okay, dont do it, its trash
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