- create flipbook animations online!
stupid family rules we have
23.02.2018 14:18
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I know that every single one of these is for safety reasons, but c'mon guys. I grew up with someone that worked with computers and on the internet his whole life, is all of this neccesary? I'm not a five year old kid y'know. I know basic internet safety. I'm not going to suddenly reveal my whole life story on camera. I haven't even ever revealed my real name to anyone on this site to anyone but one person! I go by a nickname! I've never revealed my face on any sight that I post on! I'm not four and begging to be a vlogger anymore guys (yeah, I had that dream as a kid. I didn't even know what a vlogger was because I only got internet access two years ago no joke that was also for safety) okay enough ranting. 1: No showing my face on any website/ channel of mine. Yet showing it on others is somehow okay? I've been in many vlogs and challenge videos where I showed my face and yet I still can't on my youtube channel? Mind explaining that logic parents? (continued)
23.02.2018 14:25
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2: I have to show dad my videos before I upload them on YT. This one I get but also don't. I mean, it's mainly because of the audio that could possibly reveal stuff and everything, not to mention youtube is one of the biggest websites ever with millions of people on it such as predators and scammers (I've dealt with multiple of both and have gotten rid of them. I'm dumb but not that dumb.) so I get that, but still. They are okay with me posting anything on other sights like flipanim and other art websites but they don't on youtube. I get it but also don't so...thanks but no thanks dad (he's the one in charge of it because he works on computers for a living when my mom has no idea about anything when it comes to the internet. She didn't even know what a sketch was when I was drawing in front of her. She asked me "do you really draw all of that before coloring?" I kid you not.) 3: We are allowed to use copyrighted music as long as we mention it in the description. Okay, this one I get. (continued)
23.02.2018 14:26
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I actually look at the copyright before I use music. I do use copyrighted music but I usually explain I don't own and rights to it and sometimes even mention the laws. This one I get. That's about all I can remember.
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