“Ghost Dog spotted”
Worried Glare Thingie
The Ocean
Thank tou guys!
A day in the life of Miki -WIP
grabby hand
@AppleTrigerredCHALD owo
28.01.2019 00:36
LinkHello great video you got there if you like Minecraft,Roblox,Funny videos, RPG stuff,Minecraft monster school (which is on youtube from other people which you should check out), Epic fighting and stickman stuff. My animations will make you entertained and stuck on in to it. I might be a beginner but someone day in my late teens i will shine and become in awesome animator so stay tooned and watch my stuff if you want.
*It was a sunny day. Well, a warm day. After all, there was no sun in the underground, only casual golden rays who managed to penetrate the rounded hole on top of the mountain. The flowers were shimmering as the sunlight reflected on the morning dew. Suddenly, a loud thump echoed through out the ruins, shattering the peaceful silence*