

02.03.2018 23:17
Link*declines offer of speach*

02.03.2018 23:17

02.03.2018 23:17

Yeah I dont consider him a friend any more, and everytime i like block him or something or ignore him at school, he lies to everyone and says crap like, "Oh, Cooper called me the N word." "Yeah, he called me a cotton picker." Or he just makes a big deal out of it and tries to apologize and then he just does it aagain

About a week ago, I was at the gym and I was listening to music while I was working out, and my phone was blowing up with texts from Laurence and another asshat named Jonas and I ignored but 20 minutes later i check it all I see is.... "The only thing he can lift is 85 cheeseburgers into his mouth... "He's probably sucking some dudes dick while he eats fries.... "I bet he takes 2 big macs and puts lettuce on it and calls it salad, etc. Then I reply with... "Jonas Thats why your dad left you (It was not the right thing to say but at the moment it seemed like it was) then When I get home they tell Kosumeku then he sides with them and they try to kick me out of the little group.

@Sayako- do you mean me? (Yes, I stalked- deal with it)
And if you think I haven’t noticed, I have
Remember that one truth or dare, where I asked you tell me the truth about whether or not you have(had? I’ve been less active, and lots of things happened during that time...) a crush on me? That’s when I knew *for sure*
