Would you Want More of This?
22.08.2018 23:06
LinkOk so basically what this is about is about a new style of art that I would kinda be interested in doing. So many of you know MLP(My Little Pony). Well, irl I'm really used to drawing ponies. I have ever since I was young. But I'm not COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it. It's just my natural instict to draw a pony when I feel like drawing because I have ever since (again) I was young. That being said, my question is if you want me to start drawing that in some of my animations. No, I'm not saying EVERY ANIMATION FROM NOW ON. I'm talking a little bit of pony O.C.'s, and a little bit of humor, and a little bit of animation specials. Yet, I find at school that some people think that it's childish, and I completely understand. For my age, this isn't something I naturally should be drawing. And I'm not saying that anyone has made fun of me at school for this, it's just ppl who have seen me draw ponies for the first time ask like: "What is that?", or "Why do you draw that?". The usual stuff.
22.08.2018 23:10
LinkAnd with all that concluded, would you want me to draw some pony art? And please don't act in an immature way that could hurt my feelings. I'm saying like you can put in(for example): "No, I don't think I'm comfortable with this", or, "No, I don't want you to draw something like that". Just say a disagreeing comment that isn't as childish and hurtful to me and my community of followers. And even if you say no, I COMPLETELY understand, so please be honest. I will make pony art to show you guys what I can actually do when drawing a pony in general. Now with all that concluded, lets hear some answers!
12.05.2019 22:36
LinkThats me(: