A trend?


10.01.2019 17:00
LinkBasically, what name, colour, height, eye colour, and song fit my personality? (even if you know the answer, such as my eye colour, pick what you think would suit me instead!)

10.01.2019 17:02
LinkOr you can do only one or two of them

I won't do your name since I know it already and I feel like I'll subconsciously do something similar for that.
But an eye colour that would suit you is green.
And I guess a colour would be something pastel-y. Like this green: https://www.colorcombos.com/images/colors/89E894.png
Or maybe this green: https://images-fibreglast-com.s3.amazonaws.com/pio-resized/750/6029.jpg
(I just realized all three things are green)
And for a song, I WANT to say Caffeine, from RWBY, but the only reason I say that is because of the leather jacket, motorcycle, and heavy metal thing.

1. Besides Ana, lol; i feel maybe Diana.
2.light green or maybe a pinkish red?
3. 5'4
4. I wanna say forest green or maybe blue?
5. Hmmmm How about Bird Set Free by Sia? I'm not really sure...