

28.01.2020 02:10
Linkyou okay? :(

28.01.2020 02:25
Linkyeah, im just being a shitty teen. how about you?

i was practicing guitar scales, and then my dad told me to come downstairs and watch tv with him and my mom. cool. we were watching for a while, but then we started having conversations. even cooler. so my mom asked about my hair, and i said i want to cut it again. i said i cant see myself with long hair anymore, and my dad legit almost yelled 'what'. idk whats going on, ever since i came out things havent changed, but i feel like my dad doesnt really get me, since i never officially came out as queer/pan, i just told him im gay, and h hadnt really reacted. he definitely loves me, but it can be really tiresome explaining what i want to him. he wants me to join sports, and take up defense classes, and get awesome grades so that i an be a doctor or some shit. but thats not really who i am. my dad has seen me watching videos of like, people who do internet stuff like art, and when i explained he was like 'im sure their parents are really proud of them.' ad he laughed and i laughed, but then i was thinking, would

my dad be okay with me making internet things. would he be disappointed, or upset that im settling for such an unstable career. my dad loves me a lot, but i feel like sometimes he expects me to be a certain way. ive always been kind of a tomboy, and my dad was thrilled. ive got 2 younger sisters and an older brother, and ive always been the kid who tried to hang out with my dad. sometimes i can be tough cuz weve got a lot of different opinions, and we can feel like strangers. but i love him a lot and i really hope that some day we could be on the same page. idfk.