Kaden (Fire Emblem Fates)



Camera Movement Animation


New profile (again)



07.07.2019 05:31
Linkyeah this is super flip bros stuff that took me 1 hour or somethin

07.07.2019 05:36
Linkwoah this got many likes fast

07.07.2019 05:41
Linkok now to list everyone in this
01 - Cocoadoggo45 - Maria
02 - kattythefox1 - Katty
03 - Toastfly - Candy
04 - GenesectTheGreat/-MellowMarsh-/Me - Aether
05 - Sparrme - Whoever that is lmao ecksdee i just have no idea hahahahhah-
06 - StickWorld - Smiccy
07 - Cocoadoggo45 - Louise
08 - Bowser - Bowser Catto phat man
09 - IceDragon - Ice
10 - Sponsermanjerry - Jerry
11 - TheMysteriousFox - Lubby
12 - Derpyoshi - Derpyoshi himself
13 - Yngiee - Well, whatever her oc's name is, i always forget lmao.
14 - GenesectTheGreat/-MellowMarsh-/Me - Aether
15 - -AverageTrash- - Streak
16 - IceDragon - Bladeon
17 - 3137676 - Axius
18 - thewisepokemon - Wise
19 - AnonymousHumanBeing (hope i spelled it right.) - Toon Link.

07.07.2019 05:42
Linkwhy is everyone picking themselves while they arent in themselves

07.07.2019 05:47
Link-casually picks zero suit aether because yes....oma...-

I choose Meeshy
HP: 3652478326969464336
Skills: Being annoying, stealing files, shitposting
Special attack: Bread gun
Special weapon: Bread 🍞

I choose YesButLikeMaybeNo!
Attack: 2
Defense: 5
Health: 3
Hotel: Leading To Bad Joke
Skills: Forcefully being loving and optimistic, making crapposts, and getting scared easily
Weaknesses: Literally anything cute, gets distracted so easily-
Weapon(s): A frikken loud sonic scream and being a god at MarioKart
Final Attack: A smol, gentle roast, targeted at enemies and only reversed at the weaker no u.

Imma do it SSB Game Style!
MellowMarsh (You)
A: Pen Jab
B: Jump
A Up: Pencil Slash
B Up: Drawing Air Spring
A Side: Shoot Ink
B Side: Backflip
A Down: Flood
B Down: Dot
Select Side: Taunt 1 (Throw and catch pencil in air)
Select Up: Taunt 2 (Drawing oval)
Select Down: Taunt 3 (Pretending to fight/slashing pencil)
Final Smash: Summon FlipAnim (The Persona) to trap the enemy into a spiky barrier and fill the barrier with ink, thus dealing damage, then pop the spiky barrier and fire spikes.

I choose Lily (mi oh see)
Skill(s): being depresso espresso, getting into fights and winning, can actually art
HP: 20
Weapons: pencil, fists, feet
M E G A attack: drop kick x20
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I chose myself
Skills: can use magic, sucks at art, is a roller coaster of emotions
HP: 120
Weapon: a scythe
Ultimate: A double scythe that one hits you when I activate the ultimate in front of someone

hahahahhaahaaha i choose meself arg arg arg arg even though im not in this arg arg arg
ok um my skills. ok. ok watch this.
i need to be put down