All About Gender Identity


03.01.2019 14:38
LinkThis comment-area-thing will be for people who struggle with Gender Identity. Comment if you have added information, and or questions about Gender Identity! I'll do my best to answer!
Lots of love, Pride

Gender and Sex are different, unlike common belief. There are only 2 sexes- Male and Female, which is represented in your physical form- as in the genitals (o-o)
However, Gender is all in your head. There are 3 main genders-
- Transgender, where you don't feel like your sex- (ex. Girl feels like a boy, and prefers to be called a male name and have male pronouns, and vice versa.)
- Cisgender, where a girl feels and is comfortable as a girl, and a boy feel and if comfortable as a boy.
- NonBinary, where you don't feel like a girl or a boy, and prefer pronouns as They, Them, and Their.
A common myth is being genderfluid, where your gender can change from day-to-day. A common reason people feel genderfluid is that they are actually transgender, and their Gender Dysphoria (We'll talk about that later) is weaker on different days.
But on the topic of Gender Dysphoria, its time I tell you what that is. Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness transgender people have the second they are born.

(Most LGBTQ members were given a different set of chemicals while in the womb, so there is science in this lil equations of perfect pride babies) This means if a girl feels like a boy, and dresses like a girl, they feel stressed, and sometimes sick to their stomach.
Though gender is placed on a spectrum, that does not mean it is fluid.
Another reason people feel genderfluid is because they have a lot of style changes.
Maybe some days they want to dress masculine, some days they want to dress feminine, and sometimes androgynous.

Trans isnt a gender-
Non binary isnt a gender-
Trans means you transitioned genders,, its not an actualy gender
Non binary is when you dont want to have a gender.. So therefore its not a gender...

If you don't mind me saying, Non Binary is actually supposed to mean you're not a boy or a girl, which means it refers to any gender thats not Cisgender.
Trans is a gender /identity/. People you transition from boy to girl or girl to boy can identify as Transgender.
~ Thank you for adding onto this post! No offence was supposed to be made, I would never try to hurt you. ~

cisgender is basically being either male or female.
trans gender isn't a gender, however you can be trans female (girl/women.) or trans male (boy/man.) trans= transition. therefore you transition to the other gender, either male or female. you just put trans before it.
non binary isn't a gender either. you don't want to be a gender. which quite literally is dissing someone if you call it a gender.
theres only 2 genders.

I think I mentioned genderfluid wasn't a thing.
Gender and sex are different, so there are many different gender /identities/. And Gender is what we think, and our brain can be wired different, like I said before, because of special chemicals we got in the room. Its not really opinion based.
~ Thank you for adding onto this post! No offence was supposed to be made, I would never try to hurt you. ~