Please, this is important.
05.06.2019 00:47
05.06.2019 00:49
OK, so here's something. My mom and her ex were fighting over a BABY BOTTLE. But not just ANY baby bottle, the ONLY BABY BOTTLE THAT'LL GET MY LIL SIS TO SLEEP.
My mom's ex, or my stepdad, was NOT giving my mom the fricking bottle. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU NEED THAT BOTTLE FOR, CHAD?!?
I was at Panera bread (restaurant) and I ordered one of those seasonal cookies, then when I was almost done eating it I dropped it (it was like a crumb) and I went to the cashier and said “I dropped my cookie can I have another one” and she actually gave me one lol
Okay, so once when I was really little, probs like kindergarden, I had this little pink ball of fluff that I carried EVERYWHERE and one day, a girl who hated me because her twin had a crush on me, took the fluff I flipped OUT And I told the teacher ant the teacher told her to give it ot me, and SHE RIPPED IT! i mean, it was alot worse than it sounds, cos For one I was 5-6 and for 2 It was my good luck fluff, and my bestest friend (lmao)
I was getting my frends phone number (because she just got a phone) and the one time I dont check the number 100 times, I text the wrong number... even better I wrote to who I thought was my frend "i will find you and I will kill you" my frend dident receve the message so I called her, and it was the wrong number
I was on a field trip to Legoland and I thought I could walk by myself to places (stUpid) so I got in trouble. Later on in the trip, I was pretty much forced onto a roller coaster because everyone in my group wanted to go on it EXCEPT ME. This black kid (no offense) that hated me with his friend had to sit next to me so when I got off and cried in fear that little ***** laughed at me.
I got a new Beanie Boo though :3